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Sunday, 22 May 2016
2016/2017 is Going to Really Stink in Hamilton


  2016/2017 is Going to Really Stink in Hamilton





Lots of fur has been flying over the Mayor of Hamilton, Mercer County budget. Her own council has "trumped" her to approve something different than what she submitted. They felt her lack of understanding of fiscal responsibility to the town, with her new budget, would put residents at risk. The  council members also boycotted the Mayor's ball this year and did not attend in protest. 


The link below will take you to the budget that has been proposed.




This budget is setting off concering alarms amongst the residents. The lack of common sense and understanding by the townships leadership has residents in an uproar and gravely concerned about the future of the township.


The township is slated to spend $2.8 million more dollars than last year. They state in the budget that $1.4 million is slated to fund a debt service to fund capital projects.


There is $389,00 slated for pensions. How many of those retiring Hamilton employees will end up back on the payroll in the same job? 

Well, currently today there are 15 double dippers

(see list here:(http://www.tammyduffy.com/ARTFASHION/index.blog/2357589/hamilton39s-ethics/)


on the Hamilton payroll. The residents feel that these 15 people should be taken off the payroll immediately. This double dipping is financially bankrupting the NJ pension system.


The township has selected a cloud service for the police body cameras that costs $100,000. They purchased 150+ cameras for the police force. This amount of storage is the bare minimum it appears. Why even bother to do the cameras if you cannot afford the storage? Who will manage this aspect of the body cameras for the township to ensure they do not go over their usage? The new IT director who knows nothing about IT? Or has the township rehired the retired IT director, who felt it necessary to destroy all digital records prior to July 2010 in the township? The companies selling these cameras make about a 15% margin on the cameras, but a 50% margin on the storage. They make their money on the storage. This $100,000 could easily turn into a $1,000,000 cost for Hamilton residents if this program is not efficiently managed. 


A new plumbing inspector is being added at an undefined cost. One can only hope this does fix some of the issues that exist in the inspection process in the township. There is a Hamilton resident who one year ago installed an air conditioner. The township inspector failed the installation (this seems to be the status quo, everyone fails on the first inspection), and one year later the resident has not called for a re-inspection. There has been zero follow up from the township to this resident to ensure the household is being safely maintained. 


The Mayor touts about the increase in construction activity. Yet, there is zero work being done on the aging, failing sewer system in the town. ( http://www.tammyduffy.com/ARTFASHION/index.blog/2355854/hamiltons-potential-building-moratorium/) If the township does not adequately monitor the stress on the existing sewer system, Hamilton residents will be floating in a sea of excrement in the very near future. In the 2016 budget the odor control mechanisms for the sewer plant have been removed. The residents of Hamilton had better go and get some clothes pin for they are in for a smelly year. 


A few years back the Mayor hired a firm to submit grants on behalf of the township. So how are they doing, not good. Each year the budget demonstrates a significant drop in the grant dollars coming into the township. One resident commented," We wonder who the grant writing company is and how they are related to someone in the township?"  


It is interesting to note that the total donations to the township year after year is exactly the same. Interesting no?


 Other highlights from the budget that are interesting.


  • SEWER: What are "other" expenses? $5M worth?
  • Why do they think they will make so much more in vendor fees this year at Septemberfest? ($79K to 90K), we guess they are raising the fees at the event.
  • Why do they think they will make so much more $$ at the library this year? ($74K to 241K, a 267% increase) what are the programs that will drive this? The old director mysteriously went on "medical leave" to take care of an ailing parent. A parent according to sources that she estranged from.
  • Mayor's office, Clerks office, HR, Business Administrator, Legal, Engineering, Economic Development, Call Center all get raises. All other departments will see a decrease in their paychecks.
  • Another $325,000 will be spent on new police cars.
  • Shade trees: only $250 will be spent. We estimate this to be one tree. The mayor touts she is a tree hugger. She had wetlands destroyed to spend $500,000 on a gun range in the township and now wants to destroy a floodplain for a solar farm on Sweetbriar Ave. She is planting one tree in return. Great job Madam Mayor.
  • $14M on Group insurance
  • $1500 for photos with children of the mayor. Why is the marketing staff who get paid over $100K doing this at the events?
  • $1.4M other insurances
  • No funding for : Body Armor or other Drunk Driving Programs, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over ($38K before now nothing). Yet Hamilton had 40 alcohol related events in the schools this past year. Out of the 500+ municipalities Hamilton is listed as #10 with one of the highest alcohol related events. Yet, the Mayor has cut ALL of the programs focused on this public safety and health issue in the township.
  • ·         This year's budget has a lot less streets being paved (21 vs. around 30) and not one street/road is in Yardville or Groveville. The streets being redone have council members living on each of them. So, if you are lucky enough to live on their streets, no more potholes for you. The other residents will have to resort to other ways of filling up their sinkholes in the making.

See Page 100 http://www.hamiltonnj.com/…/…/320141/2016_Budget_by_Dept.pdf

  • Only $3,000 spent on background checks for new employees. What are they using Facebook and Twitter? No wonder there are people who have been arrested on the payroll. We guess Facebook is cheaper than the FBI, one less letter.
  • HAMSTAT: Get rid of it. Make people do their jobs in the twp. Would save a quarter of a million of dollars!
  • $20k to mow the lawn at Peter Rafferty Creek. There is $11,500 in the budget for new lawn mowers....why not use those vs. hiring someone?
  • Removed STD prevention ($28K). Hamilton has one of the highest incidence of STD in the State. Why did the Mayor remove this? Hamilton has the 11th highest incident of STD in the STATE of NJ, out of the 565 municipalities for CHLAMYDIA. For GONORRHEA Hamilton is 10th out of 565 municipalities for the most cases. For Syphilis Hamilton is 27th in line for the most cases out of the 565 municipalities. Does the mayor not consider Chlamydia, Syphilis and Gonorrhea STD's that she removed the budget to support the education of these diseases?
  • All Park improvements are listed as CRITICAL status for the improvement. $1M is slated for these improvements. This will cost residents more than what is budgeted. They just handed a lawyer and his plaintiff a very nice piece of discovery with this budget. We did not see a line item for lawsuits based on incompetence. The residents of Hamilton are certainly paying for the poor judgment of the leadership.




Posted by tammyduffy at 10:01 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 22 May 2016 2:03 PM EDT
Friday, 20 May 2016
Hamilton Proposing to Install Solar Farm in Floodplain

 Hamilton Proposing to Install Solar Farm in Floodplain


The residents of the Cornell Heights area, specifically Sweetbriar Ave, were in receipt of a notification this week. This notification focuses on the application for a NJDEP flood hazard area, Block 1581, Lot 11, to be developed into a solar farm on the flood plain.

The residents in the area are very concerned with this project. Currently today, residents have experienced extreme flooding in the area. This project has the potential to make a bad situation even worse. This will damage our homes beyond recognition during a flood.

Flood plains are nature's engineering achievement. No human flood-management expert could ever hope to control flood waters better. They are often an outstanding wildlife habitat, and they protect human habitat from expensive and heartrending disasters.

But to governments, flood plains are all about land elevations, flood-plain "management" and flood insurance. Logical land-use limitations are unthinkable because government knows its mantra policy well:   They will allow the dangers of intense development and attempt to engineer their way out of problems. That's irresponsible and just plain incomprehensible actions of leadership.

If the flood plain is to be destroyed the destroyer should offer to kick in some money to save a wetland habitat somewhere else in the township in the area. Our community is placed at great risk, losing its water filtration, wildlife habitat and flood protection, while another community gains from the use of the solar farm which is slated to power the sewer plant.

Currently today, the sewer plant utilizes 7Megs of power. The solar farm is slated to only manage 4Megs. Why is the township focused on such a project when the infrastructure the sewer system in the township is failing and ailing?  Who is paying for this project? Who is paying for the upkeep of the panels? Service costs, replacement of the panels? Is this the responsibility of the private developer? What advantage does this bring to the residents connecting it to the sewer plant?

To deliberately destroy the floodplain is unacceptable.  This past summer the township built a gun range on the other side of our development, destroying trees and wetlands.  They are also in the process of allowing another developer, American Metro Way, to add additional dwellings in an already overwhelmed ecosystem. They will also be destroying more trees with that development. This unbalanced give and take and give is leaving us with environmental chaos in the area.

If a developer decides that the cost of fill is less than the profit from increased densities in the flood plain, then the flood plain can be elevated to a "safe" level and the storm water "managed" with retention ponds. The most important cost of flood-plain development is the loss of its environmental functions.

Flood plains and accompanying wetlands provide erosion control and absorb flood waters. They also filter pollution and provide habitat for animal, plant and aquatic life.

Federal studies show an acre of flood-plain wetlands can store up to 1.6 million gallons of floodwater. Restoring rather than destroying the wetlands of flood plains can reduce damaging floods. Government knows the risks, and they take them at our peril. The plan is to destroy 20 acres of the floodplain with the solar farm. In order to install the solar panels in the ground they must use concrete. These concrete supports will destroy a vast amount of the floodplain. The existing vegetation that is left will be shielded by the panels, inevitably dieing. This has the potential to create significant issues when there is significant rain.

This area is a well known flood zone. It was only exasperated when the new bridge when in and they raised the bridge 21 inches. The first heavy rain we got my house flooded due to the fact the bridge no longer flooded but the slope that was created by the engineers drove the water to the residents homes. As a resident of Hamilton township it is my belief that this is reckless government and development must be stopped.

Undeveloped floodplain land provides many natural resources and functions of considerable economic, social, and environmental value. Nevertheless, these and other benefits are often overlooked when local land-use decisions are made. Floodplains often contain wetlands and other important ecological areas as part of a total functioning system that impacts directly on the quality of the local environment.

Many of the nation’s most prominent landscape characteristics, including many of our most valuable natural and cultural resources, are associated with floodplains. These resources include wetlands, fertile soils, rare and endangered plants and animals, and sites of archaeological and historical significance. Floodplains have been shaped, and continue to be shaped, by dynamic physical and biological processes driven by climate, the hydrologic cycle, erosion and deposition, extreme natural events, and other forces. The movement of water through ground and surface systems, floodplains, wetlands and watersheds is perhaps the greatest indicator of the interaction of natural processes in the environment.  Has there been a historical search done on the land to ensure that we are preserving the historical nature of the land?


These natural processes influence human activities and are, in turn, affected by our activities. They represent important natural functions and beneficial resources and provide both opportunities and limitations for particular uses and activities.


Traditionally, while much attention has been focused on the hazards associated with flooding and floodplains, less attention has been directed toward the natural and cultural resources of floodplains or to evaluation of the full social and economic returns from floodplain use.


In recent decades, the natural resources associated with floodplains – particularly wetlands – have been the subject of increased scientific study and management.


Surface water, ground water, floodplains, wetlands and other features do not function as separate and isolated components of the watershed, but rather as a single, integrated natural system. Disruption of any one part of this system can have long-term and far-reaching consequences on the functioning of the entire system. In the past, lack of understanding of the overall natural system and its component processes contributed to significant alteration of the natural functions of floodplains, and in many cases to the degradation and destruction of these resources.  These facts should not be taken lightly and we expect to know what has been done to ensure the public safety of the residents.


Floodplain resources, including wetlands and agricultural lands, are experiencing increasing pressure for use and development – for highways, for residential and commercial building sites, and for other urban uses. In response to these development pressures, knowledge and information regarding the natural resources, processes and functions of floodplains can contribute to assessments of the ecological, economic and social impacts on further floodplain development.


This knowledge and information can help to protect and better utilize the benefits and values these resources provide. Improved knowledge and information about the natural resources of floodplains can be used to differentiate between lands that should remain in their natural condition, lands that can accommodate certain uses but not others, and lands that are most suitable for development.


The natural and cultural values associated with floodplain resources can be categorized in a variety of ways. Floodplain values can be thought of in terms of environmental quality values such as fish and wildlife habitat and water quality. They can also be thought of in terms of socioeconomic values, which are more easily understood by some because these values provide either dollar savings (related to flood and storm damage protection, for example) or financial profit (related to increased production from floodplain use).


Floodplains that are relatively undisturbed (or have been restored to a nearly natural state) provide a wide range of benefits to both human and natural systems. These benefits take many forms: some are static conditions (such as providing aesthetic pleasure) and some are active processes (like filtering nutrients). There is some ambiguity over which of these benefits are properly termed “functions,” which are “resources,” and where the terms overlap. A fairly well accepted (but not necessarily comprehensive) list and descriptions follows. The resources and functions have been loosely grouped into three categories, and the categories have been labeled according to the primary recipient of the benefit or its relationship to a larger system. “Water resources” include those resources and functions of floodplains that are part of or provide a benefit to the hydrologic cycles

on the earth’s surface and sub-surface, including natural moderation of floods, water quality maintenance, and groundwater recharge.


“Biologic resources” are floodplain resources and functions that benefit large and diverse populations of plants and animals. “Societal resources” are floodplain resources and functions that directly benefit human society, including historical, archeological, scientific, recreational, and esthetic sites, in addition to sites generally highly productive for agriculture, aquaculture, and forestry where these uses are compatible with natural systems.


The characteristics of the floodplain and of flooding are closely interdependent. Floods shape floodplain topography and soils and influence ecology. In turn, the physical characteristics of the floodplain shape flood flows. Except in narrow, steep valleys and areas of coastal bluffs, floodplains provide a broad area to spread out and temporarily store floodwaters. This reduces flood peaks and velocities and the potential for erosion. Flood storage is particularly important in urbanizing areas where even small floods resulting from a 5- or 10-year storm can cause severe flood damage.


In their natural vegetated state, floodplains slow the rate at which the incoming overland flow reaches the main water body. Vegetation also reduces shoreline erosion. Allowing this solar farm to be built in this floodplain will destroy the residents homes the first big rain we get.  In the documents we were sent, there is no information demonstrating any analysis was done. An engineer was hired to perform some task, however, what really has been done to evaluate the long term effects of the installation of the solar farm?


Solar array project sites often encompass extensive areas, and it is economically desirable to minimize land costs. Upon the consideration of this site for a potential solar project, did the developer contact the Regional Flood Control District to learn of known floodplains including sheet flooding areas that impact the project site? Certain mapped FEMA zones require more detailed study prior to project design.

The solar panels I assume will be on frames, lifting them above any flood water and the transformer building would be sited outside the flood plain.  I would expect the Environment Agency to object to this application because it would lay on a flood plain. To take the approach, if they even did this, to look at maps from the county is not enough. They did this when they built the new bridge and after the opening of the bridge there were items missed (we got flooded) and it cost more to fix the mistakes they made.

I would expect that the developer have commissioned a flood risk specialist to study the impact of the plan on the flood plain and was liaising with the DEP and FEMA to make.

 It is my understanding that some renewable energy projects are exempt from local zoning, it’s important to strive to site a project in a way that respects local residents and community goals. This has never been the case in Hamilton.  They violate the Sunshine laws every chance they get, without repercussion.

The residents in the area are stating that in the event their homes gets flooded due to the installation of this solar farm, they will hold the DEP, the developer, the Township of Hamilton and all others involved, liable for all damages to their homes and contents.



Posted by tammyduffy at 9:24 PM EDT
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Governor Christie and Trump Rally at Lawrence National Guard Armory



Governor Christie and Trump Rally at Lawrence National Guard Armory


By Tammy Duffy


Invitations for a Trump rally for this evening were $200 a person  and all the proceeds benefited Christie’s presidential campaign committee, which had $400,000 in debt and $150,000 in cash on hand as of March 31.


The Trump event was hoped to be a way to reduce Christie’s debt load significantly, but likely would not erase it. There were less than 500 people at the event this evening.  Tickets for students were $25 and there plenty of them in attendance.  The most they could have raised based on bodies in the room was less than $100,000.


In the end, the rally demonstrated the less than colossal crowed Trump is accustomed to. The $200 a person price, clearly kept people on their decks this evening vs. attending the rally. 


A few New Jerseyans thought they had secured tickets to Trump’s rally for free, instead of having to pay the $200 price, but they were disappointed to learn Tuesday that the tickets were being handed out due to a glitch on Trump’s website. Many of the attendees complained they thought they were being duped because their tickets did not arrive via email until the morning or some the evening of the event. One man in attendance said he ended up buying two tickets because he was afraid he would not get in because his ticket did not arrive on time.


Hundreds of Trump supporters descended on the National Guard armory in this Mercer County suburb Thursday night to see the presumptive Republican presidential nominee hold his first campaign rally in NJ.  And at the same time, hundreds protesters gathered in a park across the street to voice their detest. There were school buses that went buy filled with children screaming profanity from the buses about Mr. Trump.


Paul Anthony, 18, helped organize a coalition of dozens of students from nearby Lawrence High School to speak out against Trump. "He's a racist, bigoted, homophobic, anti-Semite," said Anthony, who is voting for the first time this fall and supports Democratic contender Bernie Sanders. 


And not everyone there was from New Jersey. Joan Allen drove 2 1/2 hours from Bronxville, N.Y., to hold a sign near the entrance of the armory that read: "Fools love Trump."



When the doors opened there were less than 150 people in attendance. There was a biplane flying overhead with a banner reading, " #Make NJ Great Again #dumpchristietrump.


Danny Campbell, notorious member of the Jersey Shore gang, according to sources, was evidently hired to run the souvenir carts at the event. All of the products that were being sold at the event demonstrated labels, Made in China.


As the attendees of the event waited for the rally to start, there were fights going on in the wait area. Perfect strangers were acting like two year olds in the back seat of the car on family vacation, "You touched me!" and arguments were breaking out. I listened to a man completely insult a woman about her attire, her educational status, her looks, all the while her significant other just stood there an did nothing to stop the perfect stranger from insulting his loved one. The behaviors were odd to say the least. I felt as if I was at a cult rally vs. a political rally.


It must also be noted that there were zero accomodations made for the handicapped or anyone with special needs. There were zero seats in the auditorium for anyone. The $200 fee to get in did not get you even a mat to sit on.  There were veterans there who had to walk long distances from parking areas, for there was not even any handicapped parking. 


There were very few women in the room, there were mostly white men. It was a very white crowd.Attendees were corralled into metal barriers like cows at the slaughter house.


Several politicians were in attendance, some even got to use the podium. Senator Penacchio, Senator Mike Dougherty and Chris Christie all gave talks that focused on the goals of the Trump campaign. Senator Dougherty said,"What are Donald Trump's sins? He wants to protect citizens, not allow jobs to be moved from the USA, focus on the middle class, and make other countries pay their fair share."


Trump made a poor choice having Hamilton township, Mercer County, Mayor Yaede (obviously he wanted some woman on the stage) take the podium during the event. She was instantly boo'd both coming and going off the stage. She made the oddest statement during her time at the podium. She said," Never trust a politician, we do not need politicians in political office."  The attendees who boo'd her could not agree with her more. They snickered at her comment and said,"That is right Yaede, we do not trust you." According to attendees, Yaede has demonstrated poor leadership, an inability to set a budget, lost their Playcity designation due to the fact her team ignored the playground equipment for years until it was unsafe for use, increases cost to taxpayers with a personal entourage of security, she ignores residents, hires her entire family to work at the township, walks with her back to the American flag during parades, has habitually raises taxes on residents annually to accomodate raises for herself and staff, and makes poor choices that effect the public safety of the residents.  The list of complaints went on an on by the attendees. She even calls the town "The Big H", which is the street name for heroin. She is oblivious to the fact that big H is the street name for heroin. Mr. Trump needs to vett who he lets on stage during his events. 



Governor Christie spoke about his 14 year friendship with the Trump family. He stated that he will always stand by his friends.


When Donald Trump took the stage the attendees were supportive and chanting for the presidential candidate. Donald started the conversation speaking about the 3 to 5 new judges he wants to appoint. Trump said," We will be naming 3 to 5 new judges Chris," all the while looking directly at Governor Christie.  Was this a subliminal message of some sort? Does this mean Govenor Christie will be a new judge or a VP? Only time will tell, but clearly there seemed to be some meaning to that message.


Trump went on to speak about free trade. He said Nabisco is moving their manufacturing plant to Mexico. He stated, he will no longer eat his favorite cookie, Oreo's.  He told Governor Christie, " Chris, No more Oreo's for you either."


Carrier, a manufacturer of air conditioners is slated to move their manufacturing to Mexico. Trump stated," If they do this I will charge them a 35% tax on every air conditioner they sell in the United Stated." He also went on to say that if other companies do this, they too will be hit with the same outrageous tax.Yet, Made in China products were in every cart prior to the rally, is his Trump being a hypocrite or just something else?


There is no doubt, there is an energy Trump created in the room upon his entrance. However, people were not saying, " I have to have Trump." Their comments were more in line with, " We need change."  Who will change America for the better? We will find out soon enough.


There were many people there who will be first time voters. Their ages ranged from 18 to 67. I spoke to a man 46 years old who has never voted.


In all the hoopla of these months of campaigns, it does appear that more are going out to vote. Let's hope the right candidate wins the race in November. Who are you voting for?







Posted by tammyduffy at 10:42 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 20 May 2016 2:11 PM EDT
Saturday, 14 May 2016
Trenton Bike Tour


Posted by tammyduffy at 3:43 PM EDT
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Junie B. Jones Shares Tips, Tricks and Fun in ‘Survival Guide’ at MCCC’s Kelsey Theatre June 4




 Junie B. Jones Shares Tips, Tricks and Fun in ‘Survival Guide’ at MCCC’s Kelsey Theatre June 4


Junie B. Jones is back.  The irrepressible youngster is ready to share her words of wisdom with young audiences as Theatreworks/USA presents “Junie B.’s Essential Survival Guide to School” at Mercer County Community College’s (MCCC’s) Kelsey Theatre Saturday, June 4 at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Kelsey Theatre is located on the college’s West Windsor campus, 1200 Old Trenton Road.

Junie has been going to school for more than 1-1/2 years now.  Who knows better how to write the book on everything a kid needs to know? From bus rules to band-aids, carpools to cookies, Junie has a jillion tips, tricks and trip-ups, and she’ll share her hard-won expertise and show her friends at Kelsey Theatre how school is sometimes scary, sometimes super-fun, and always something to sing about.  It’s a fresh new musical adventure based on the popular book series by Barbara Park, with book and lyrics by Marcy Heisler and music by Zina Goldrich.

Theatreworks/USA is America’s largest and most prolific professional not-for-profit theater for young and family audiences.  Since 1961, the company has enlightened, entertained, and instructed more than 90 million people in 49 states and Canada, now performing for about four million people annually.

Tickets are $10 for children, students and seniors, and $12 for adults.  Tickets may be purchased online at www.kelseytheatre.net or by calling the Kelsey Box Office at 609-570-3333.  Kelsey Theatre is wheelchair accessible, with free parking available next to the theater.

Posted by tammyduffy at 7:09 PM EDT
Saturday, 7 May 2016
FlightMageddon: Smell Something, Say Something?




As a common courtesy, you should at least walk onto the plane clean and not reeking of BO. One of my worst flights involved a couple who smelled so bad that the passengers in the two rows around them literally had to plug their noses for the flight. Later, the flight attendants actually encouraged the offended passengers to write to Delta to complain and get a gift certificate. A close second in terms of hygiene-related offenses is when you see people clipping their nails, tweezing their eyebrows or putting nail polish on. It’s not only rude but it’s also illegal to put on nail polish on planes because it’s highly flammable. If you ever see someone putting it on, either tell them to stop or ring the call button and ask the flight attendant if they smell nail polish. And don’t get me started about the person across the aisle who I saw flossing their teeth.

Read more at: http://www.johnnyjet.com/2015/07/10-terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-airplane-habits-are-you-guilty/


FlightMageddon: Smell something, Say Something




By Tammy Duffy







The summer time holiday travel crush is upon us. Want to give a special gift to a stranger?  Spread some holiday cheer by not doing any of the things I am about to share with you while flying.


During a recent United Airlines flight to Ohio we experienced quite the turbulent flight. This is a normal occurrence and expected as we fly the skies. We are accepting of this and entrust the crew to keep us safe and get us grounded safely.


However, on the ride home the experience was quite different. The gentleman pictured above removed his shoes as he sat down. In an instant this man created the most radically noxious, odiferous atmosphere for all of us in the back of the plane. He was completely oblivious and non caring of the atmosphere he created. His feet on appearance resembled that of a expeditioner traversing the NYC subway system rail systems barefooted for 2 weeks, in the search for the ultimate piece of pizza. The pungent odor was quite penetrating. It traveled up our nostrils and had a stay power equivalent to a tick on a dog sucking the blood from a vessel.


This unnamed man was sitting next to a friend. His friend did throw his smelly footed wonder friend a look when he removed his shoes, however, did nothing to rectify the situation.  The flight crew also seemed oblivious to the smell. But, what could they do? Are their olfactory senses dismantled when they are hired by United? Are they not allowed to say anything in fear someone will sue the airline?


After we landed and during my ride home, the negative olfactory experience continued. The smell of dirty, crusty, pus smelling feet permeated my nostrils. I felt as if I had been sprayed with a new type of Febreeze, entitled Smelly foot spray.























The olfactory experience was not the only experience passengers got to relish in from this passenger. When he woke up from his nap, he began a large excavation of his nasal passage. Each new mucosal secretion he removed from his nasal cavity, he examined with extreme interest. It was as if he had discovered the first piece of gold in a new gold mine. Each new piece of "gold" he placed carefully in a tissue for collection.  Once he felt the entire cave (aka his booger filled nose) had been full excavated, he placed this massively filled mucosal secreted tissue into the seat back pocket.This is a horrible thing to do for the flightcrew who cleans the planes.


The level of rudeness this passenger demonstrated to fellow passengers and to the flight crew (with the mucosal secreted filled tissue) is beyond what is acceptable. Why have we become a society of such radical behavior in the skies. No wonder Mr. Trump has his own plane.


As a common courtesy, you should at least walk onto the plane clean and not reeking of body odor. One of my worst flights involved a couple who smelled so bad that the passengers in the two rows around them literally had to plug their noses for the flight. Later, the flight attendants actually encouraged the offended passengers to write to Delta to complain and get a gift certificate. A close second in terms of hygiene-related offenses is when you see people clipping their nails, tweezing their eyebrows or putting nail polish on. It’s not only rude but it’s also illegal to put on nail polish on planes because it’s highly flammable. If you ever see someone putting it on, either tell them to stop or ring the call button and ask the flight attendant if they smell nail polish. And don’t get me started about the person across the aisle who I saw flossing their teeth.

Let me tell you another story that my aunt shared with me. The smelly feet cannot compare to what happened to her returning from Switzerland last fall.  She was traveling business class and they were bumped up to first class on our return flight.  It was their first time ever flying first class internationally. Everything is going well on the flight.  They were being pampered by her own personal attendant. After lunch, lights are subdued and people are napping. She was not for she cannot sleep on planes.


There are only four seats, my aunt, two in the center and one against the other side of the plane. All of a sudden she gets a whiff of the smelliest flatus you can imagine.  The gentleman in the seat across the aisle has his rump pointed in her direction and his anal wind was aimed right at her. She gets up and goes to another seat to tell her husband how bad the smell is. She returns to her seat and the smell has now dissipated. She sits down only to be greeted with another smelly windstorm. The smell has crescendo stronger than Beethoven's 5th symphony.  She then goes to the galley to ask if they have anything to help with the odor. The odor at this point had taken over the cabin.  


The attendant has a spray and starts spraying the entire cabin. They were laughing, although it was not funny.  The human odiferous wind machine, got the hint because he then sat up. A few minutes later he gets up and goes to the restroom. He comes back and then I notice the galley is now being sprayed. The smell was so bad it crept out of the restroom into the galley. After her first experience going first class she said she would rather sit next to a sewer.


Where do the airlines have to take ownership of these bad behaviors of passengers? To ensure that passengers do not have to be subjected to these bad behaviors. Many passengers will not go to the galley and complain for fear of what could happen if the "culprit" reacts in some severely negative manner at 30,000 feet.


As a common courtesy, you should at least walk onto the plane clean and not reeking of BO. One of my worst flights involved a couple who smelled so bad that the passengers in the two rows around them literally had to plug their noses for the flight. Later, the flight attendants actually encouraged the offended passengers to write to Delta to complain and get a gift certificate. A close second in terms of hygiene-related offenses is when you see people clipping their nails, tweezing their eyebrows or putting nail polish on. It’s not only rude but it’s also illegal to put on nail polish on planes because it’s highly flammable. If you ever see someone putting it on, either tell them to stop or ring the call button and ask the flight attendant if they smell nail polish. And don’t get me started about the person across the aisle who I saw flossing their teeth.

Read more at: http://www.johnnyjet.com/2015/07/10-terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-airplane-habits-are-you-guilty/

Posted by tammyduffy at 9:13 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 7 May 2016 9:27 AM EDT
Saturday, 30 April 2016








The Lakefront Gallery at RWJUHH has 4 shows a year and is located on the first floor at RWJ Hamilton Hospital. These art shows include  juried exhibit submissions and First Bid Auctions both of which will support Lakefront Gallery.   The gallery takes no fees from artists for exhibiting nor do we except any commissions. The gallery is maintained by the Princeton Photography Club.  If you are a local artist who has a desire to exhibit, you can contact the gallery to do just that. The gallery is focused on promoting emerging artists in the community.



 Wall Worthy: A Juried Exhibit of Mixed Media Artwork
photographs, paintings, woodworking, quilting, acrylic; we will accept any form of art that will hang on a gallery hook.
 The Princeton Photography Club is accepting submissions for a juried exhibit of mixed media to be on display at Lakefront Gallery, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton, June 25 through September 15, 2016. Juried awards totaling $400 will be presented on July 7 at 6:30 PM, at the opening reception.
The term mixed media exhibit signifies that there will be a selection of artwork in different media allowing for the creation of one cohesive exhibit. To this end any form of art that is able to hang on a gallery wall will be considered. Approximately 80 pieces will be accepted. All entries may be submitted on a CD, DVD, or memory stick; or you may upload your images to the Dropbox site, as specified in the prospectus.
Final submission date is May 23, 2016. Artwork is to be hand delivered on June 24 or June 25.
This link below shows how the art auctions work

Posted by tammyduffy at 8:16 AM EDT
Trenton Artist Association Group Art Show At RWJ Hamilton




Posted by tammyduffy at 7:55 AM EDT
Friday, 22 April 2016
Final Weeks to Submit Photos to HereNow: Rutgers 250,Zimmerli’s First Crowdsourced Exhibition and Celebration of University’s Anniversary


 Final Weeks to Submit Photos to HereNow: Rutgers 250,Zimmerli’s First Crowdsourced Exhibition and Celebration of University’s Anniversary


Over the last three months, the Zimmerli Art Museum’s special exhibition galleries have filled up with nearly 1,400 photographs, as part of the HereNow: Rutgers 250 initiative to celebrate the university’s milestone anniversary. Photos submitted by students, faculty, alumni, and visitors have fondly highlighted iconic scenes of student life and campus sights, uncovered hidden nooks, and captured treasured moments. Together, these images celebrate the Rutgers experience and create a dynamic, once-in-a-lifetime collage. As the final submission deadline for the museum’s first ever crowdsourced exhibition approaches on May 15, we invite the global Rutgers community to share their photos, and support our vision to capture the past, present, and future of our university. Images can be submitted via the microsite herenow250.rutgers.edu, which launched last November, and will be added to the growing exhibition.


As part of the culmination of the initiative, following the final submission deadline, all of the images will be reviewed by a panel of arts professionals, and 250 will be chosen to be featured in a full-color art book that will be available prior to Charter Day, November 10, 2016. We encourage you not to miss the opportunity to participate, and encapsulate your Rutgers moments for future generations.


“The photos represent the broad range of people who interact with Rutgers and their individual experiences,” says Donna Gustafson, Curator of American Art and Mellon Director for Academic Programs at the Zimmerli. “Some general themes have emerged, but there is no one subject that dominates the project.


Most photographs have been taken on campus in New Brunswick, Piscataway, Camden, and Newark; but university and club events held around the state and nation, as well as in study abroad locations, also appear. The collage features selfies and photos of football games and classroom scenes, but also unique abstracts of familiar places and images of singular extracurricular activities such as those from the Rutgers Equestrian Team. The collage is vibrant, lively, and, most importantly, like the university, diverse.


Gustafson adds, “Of course, with the semester winding down, we look forward to receiving photos of spring semester classes, students outside, Alumni Weekend, and Rutgers Day, as well as Commencement in May.”



  • Anyone can submit images for the initiative
  • Images can be uploaded to herenow250.rutgers.edu
  • Images are loosely categorized into Academics, Campus Life, Arts, Athletics, and Global Experiences
  • Images must reflect the experience of Rutgers-affiliated individuals and be dated between January 1, 2015 and May 15, 2016, to be considered for inclusion in the book
  • Use #RUHERENOW250 to share images on social media
  • Come by the museum often to see the exhibition grow and change.


Rutgers 250 is a yearlong celebration marking Rutgers University's founding in 1766, honoring the university’s past, present, and future with a series of events, programs, and gatherings. The history of Rutgers begins on November 10, 1766, when William Franklin, the last Colonial governor of New Jersey, signed the charter that brought Queen’s College into existence. In 1825, the school was renamed to honor Colonel Henry Rutgers, a Revolutionary War veteran. In 2015, poised to celebrate 250 years, Rutgers is one of the most highly regarded institutions of higher education in the nation, with more than 65,000 students and 24,400 faculty and staff in New Brunswick, Newark, and Camden, and at locations throughout the state. Complete information and a list of related events can be found at 250.rutgers.edu.


The exhibition HereNow: Rutgers 250 is supported by the Estate of Ralph Voorhees, and donors to the Zimmerli's Major Exhibition Fund: James and Kathrin Bergin, Alvin and Joyce Glasgold, Charles and Caryl Sills, Voorhees Family Endowment, and the Jerome A. Yavitz Charitable Foundation, Inc.--Stephen Cyphen, President. Related public programs are supported by the Friends of the Zimmerli Endowment Fund.


The book HereNow: Rutgers 250 is supported by the Class of 1937 Publications Endowment Fund.


Posted by tammyduffy at 7:27 PM EDT
Friday, 15 April 2016
A New Desitination For Hair

A New Destination for Hair 
By Tammy Duffy 


Cranbury-based Hairports Wash & Blow Dry Bar has opened a second location in Hamilton. Founder Jennifer Powell launched Hairports in 2013 as the first-­ever blow-dry only bar. 


Blow dry bars have become a popular trend in many major cities throughout the United States.  A new establishment has opened in Hamilton, NJ, The Hairports: Wash  & Blow dry bar, located at 825 Rt 33. Their phone number us 609-395-8424.


They specialize in blow dry's only.  This focused offering gears them to allow their styles to be flawless. They use only the most elite products, like Unite hair care product line and Mirabella makeup lines. They also host parties, girls nights out, bacheloreette parties, and birthdays.


The Hairports Wash & Blow Dry Bar offers several Destinations (services)-like NYC, Los Angeles, Bahamas, Paris, No Fly Away Zone, and more that you can choose from depending on your preference of wash, style, make up, and more. The Fly Guy, which is their signature shampoo, conditioner and style only costs $25.


This location in Hamilton has unique qualities. They create an entire experience for those who enter. The nanosecond you walk in, you are pleasantly greeted by one of the "flight crew". It is not an overwhelming greeting, but a welcome of genuine kindness.  The decor resembles that of an airplane. There are no details that owner, Jennifer Powell has forgotten. The salon is a whimsical, fun, relaxing atmosphere for all who enter. The mirrors, the paint, the signage all make you feel like you are on your way to Fantasy Island. I only wish airlines were like this! I imagined being on a transcontinental flight for 16 hours and having this service available.  


The airline industry can learn from The Hairports Wash & Blow Dry Bar. When you get your hair washed you are made to feel like you are in a reclining business class seat. When business class actually was comfortable.  These hair sinks are wonderfully comfortable. You are then treated to a 5-10 minute scalp massage as they wash your hair. The scalp massage is something everyone must experience!! It was epically relaxing.





The attention to detail that owner, Jennifer Powell, has placed in her new establishment is refreshing.  She is bringing first class back to travel in her salon. In the past, travel was something people looked forward to. In the past people wanted to travel, they wanted to look beautiful at the airport. Today, travel has become a fashionable pigpen for most and an annoying experience. Hairports, Wash & blow dry bar is bringing us back the good old days when travel was comfortable, relaxing and fashionable.


The "hair traffic controllers" are dressed like the skygirls from the 1960's.  It's lovely! I have been in so many salons where the stylists are dressed like absolute slobs, and they are tasked with making me pretty?  How is that even possible? If they do not care about their own looks and presentation how are they going to care about mine? 

The Skygirls at Hairports wash & blow dry bar want everyone to experience first class service, and you get it. They are open 7 days a week. They even open early for those "travelers" that need an early departure.


Jennifer Powell came up with her idea for The Hairports after a relative from California told her about blow dry bars and suggested she open her own. “She came out and said we’re missing an opportunity — I was missing an opportunity,” Powell said. “And I thought, ‘Wow, what a great idea!".


Powell plans to take her Hairports brand and open salons in major airports, she said. She hopes to open her first airport location in two years.


"Eventually we will be branching out to all airports, here and international,” she said.  She wants to open a store behind the security gates, so travelers on layovers or delays can relax and have their hair styled while they wait for their planes to depart.


Powell has been a licensed cosmetologist since 1991 and has worked in a number of salons. She and all of her hair traffic controllers are required to be licensed by the state Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling.







Posted by tammyduffy at 5:06 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 15 April 2016 10:27 PM EDT

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