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Sunday, 7 February 2016
Forget Gypsy Gyms: Mercer County Has Free Certified Health Programs




Forget Gypsy Gyms 

Mercer County Has Free Certified Health Programs






A recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) indicates that an estimated two-thirds of US adults are either overweight or obese . Here in Mercer County, 58.5% of adult residents have body mass index (BMI) scores in the overweight or obese range. Yet there is a gym, yoga studio, boutique workout world popping up on every corner of Hamilton, NJ.  How many of these gyms actually have certified physicians, or sincerely qualified (buying your yoga, trainer certifications on the web do not count) individuals.  Some gyms go as far as saying they will do a movement Screening, which they charge you for and recommend it be repeated every few weeks.  They state they are screening for pain and discomfort. Who is doing this screening? If one investigates who actually works at the gym you will find its Mom who is making lunch for their kids and then dashing off to teach a yoga class at the gym.   This is how clients get hurt at gyms. They get sucked into these manipulative marketing campaigns, with the promise of a slimmer waistline and a rock hard abdomen.


The manipulation continues when the gyms state they will work with your physicians when you do get hurt to develop another fitness regiment that in the end will hurt you again.  Who at the gym is actually qualified to make these assessments. You will find no one is. The Medical societies need to understand what is happening in this arena and turn then into the better business bureau and other agencies to warn the public.  These gyms  are hurting clients, not just physically but also monetarily .


These same gyms, big and small,  are making claims about lifestyle choices and the foods you need to eat. Yet, they do not have one licensed or certified dietitian on staff. This is just criminal. These people are playing with peoples lives. They look at their clients as a meal ticket for their own greed.  They are not medical professionals and they are making recommendations to people who may be diabetic, have an auto immune disease, etc on how to eat, how to move, what exercise regiment to perform. These gym staffers are putting the lives of their clients in their hands. There needs to be severe changes in marketplace before more people get hurt. The gross incompetence that is occurring within the walls of these gyms is costing the American public millions each year.


The false promises made by the gym owners are no different than that of a fortune teller.  Fortune tells will say, if you pay me twenty more dollars I can remove the bad karma from your life. Burn this candle and your life will be all better.  The gym owners are not different.


Children are not immune from this growing trend with many deleterious lifestyle behaviors being unconsciously transferred from adults to children; as such, there is no surprise that an increasing number of children are becoming obese or overweight. Children and adults alike who are obese or overweight are more likely to feel stress, and overweight children are more likely to report that their parents were often or always stressed over the past month.


 While understanding the link between physical well being and behavioral health has substantially improved over the past few decades, much needs to be done to stem the problem. Mercer Partnership views the dynamics underlying the issue of obesity as inextricably linked to the same dynamics underlying the aforementioned public health priorities of substance abuse and mental health. The gravity of the situation can be as highlighted by recent findings: Children who are overweight are more likely to report they worry a lot or a great deal about things in their lives than children who are normal weight (31 percent vs. 14 percent).


American society has become 'obesogenic,' characterized by environments that promote increased food intake, nonhealthful foods, and physical inactivity. Policy and environmental change initiatives that make healthy choices in nutrition and physical activity available, affordable, and easy will likely prove most effective in combating obesity.


Overweight children are also significantly more likely than normal-weight children to report they worry about the way they look/their weight (36 percent vs. 11 percent). Although parents, regardless of their weight, are likely to report they feel it is important for their child to have healthy behaviors, there are findings that suggest that leading by example is also very important. Children who believe they are overweight are significantly more likely than those with a normal weight to report that their parent has been always/often worried or stressed about things in the past month (39 percent vs. 30 percent). While obese parents are equally as likely as those of normal weight to say it’s important to them that their children eat healthy foods and stay physically active (77 percent of normal-weight and obese parents), survey results suggest parents who are overweight are less likely to engage in the healthy behaviors they value.


There are various factors that contribute to obesity ranging from genetics to lifestyle choices. While genetic factors contributing to this growing epidemic are not modifiable, lifestyle choices that put residents at health risk can be controlled and monitored. With regular doctor visits and check-ups, professionals in the medical profession can offer assistance and tools on how to eat properly, maintain appropriate weight, and recognize early warning signs of more significant illness.  The obesity ‘epidemic’ has not only been fueled by behavioral choices, but also by a resident’s financial situation needed to purchase food items with more desirable nutritional value. Minimal education on how to maintain a balanced diet contributes to the rise of obesity. Personal finances have an effect on how people shop and, ultimately, the decision on whether to purchase nutritional or pre-packaged and processed foods.  Agencies need to evaluate internal policies and practices in order to ensure appropriate Food Pyramid information is provided for those who might benefit from such. Food Choices In a nation with a fast-paced lifestyle, fast-food restaurants become the primary source of food for many families. With the growing list of dollar menu items, where prepared foods can be purchased inexpensively, consumption of healthier fresh fruits and vegetables suffers. Since these foods have been converted from their original state to a consumable and convenient format, many of the valuable nutrients needed to maintain a balanced diet appear to be missing. The 2005 USDA Food Pyramid highlights the changes that have occurred in understanding what comprises a healthy, balanced diet.


The Mercer County Nutrition Project has been distributing materials on the Food Pyramid throughout the County to seniors and those people participating in the 21.2% of Mercer County Residents reported not having participated in any physical activity.  Nutrition Project since the development of these guidelines.


General information is available from the USDA at the www.MyPyramid.gov website; this portal provides personal worksheets and dietary guidelines that can be individualized based on demographic factors and targeted goals. To combat the risk factors of poor food choices and sedentary lifestyles, many home, community, and work environments would be well served by supporting individuals in pursuit of physical active. Assessment work by the Mercer Partnership revealed evidence to suggest that a sizeable portion of county residents perceive a lack of safe, appropriate playing space and equipment needed to remain physically fit. These factors could make it difficult for people to obtain the recommended daily physical activity needed to maintain a balanced diet; increasing the likelihood of them becoming overweight and even obese. Additionally, lack of physical activity leads to the onset of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease.  Residents have ample opportunity to avail themselves of the myriad opportunities for physical fitness existing both in-county as well as within a short drive. The Partnership acknowledges that many local resources are underutilized, likely due to suboptimal marketing of services. For an example of how one entity has been able to broadcast its wealth of resources, one can look to the Mercer County Park Commission (MCPC). The MCPC distributes annually 5,000 copies of its Directory highlighting all the parks, programs, and services located throughout Mercer County. Many local municipalities maintain parks and areas of recreational opportunities as well.


Forget using these gypsy gyms....use the government resources that you already have paid for. Take advantage of the programs that already exist and have been developed by real doctors, certified dietitians and people who do have your well being as their primary focus, not their own bottom line.



Posted by tammyduffy at 12:01 AM EST

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