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Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Ending Down's Syndrome


 Treating Down's Syndrome In Utereo
 Currently there are no therapeutic interventions that can prevent or reverse the intellectual disability or brain pathology found in individuals with Down syndrome. Down syndrome affects 400,000 people in the United States alone. However, scientists are getting closer to finding a way to treat DS.
Some researchers are working to develop drugs that could be used to treat Down syndrome in uteroTen years ago, they were attempting to identify a pharmacological intervention that could improve cognitive functioning in mice with a condition mimicking Down syndrome. They looked at increasing the mother’s intake of the essential nutrient choline during pregnancy and lactation, on the basis of impressive cognitive benefits seen with this intervention in normal rats during research done at Duke.  A nutritional intervention was also appealing because it could be relatively easily tested in humans if our studies looked promising.

What was found was that by supplementing the maternal diet with extra choline during pregnancy and lactation markedly improved spatial cognition, attentional function, and emotional reactivity in the mouse offspring with a model of Down syndrome. It also normalized the formation of new neurons in the hippocampus and protected basal forebrain cholinergic neurons, which normally atrophy in this disorder by midlife—part of the brain changes related to the onset of Alzheimer’s.

How to explain these results? The answer might be found in studies done over the past few decades, showing that choline stores become depleted during pregnancy in both rodents and humans. A developing fetus may need more choline than previously realized.

Although clinical trials are needed to determine whether similar effects are seen in humans, anecdotal reports of women increasing their choline intake during a Down syndrome pregnancy are encouraging. The reports suggest that these infants reach milestones on a schedule more similar to that of typically developing babies than infants with Down syndrome whose mothers did not take extra choline. There’s growing evidence to support a recommendation for all women to increase choline intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding—a change that could benefit all fetuses with Down syndrome from the earliest stages of development, regardless of whether the mom had prenatal testing.

Today, women who learn that they are carrying a fetus with Down syndrome are often advised to terminate the pregnancy. But for a variety of reasons, ethical and otherwise, that’s not an option for all women. Some 5,000 infants with Down syndrome are born in the U.S. every year. It’s imperative that we find a way to help them achieve their highest potential.

Posted by tammyduffy at 12:14 PM EST
Sunday, 27 December 2015
No Longer Science Fiction


 No Longer Science Fiction

 Car-to-x communication makes traffic in general more efficient.



What would it be like if you could see past the next bend in the road to the bend after and even farther? You could adjust your driving behaviour and defuse dangerous situations. You would not have to brake so much and could drive more efficiently. 


Mercedes-Benz seeks to realise this vision of tomorrow’s intelligent mobility with a revolutionary technology which enhances safety, comfort and efficiency even further. As the first motor vehicle manufacturer in the world, the brand with the star will be presenting Car-to-X communication in production vehicles by the end of this year. This will reaffirm the Stuttgart-based group’s standing as a pioneer in the field of safety. The sophisticated technology establishes networked links among vehicles and between vehicles and the traffic infrastructure.


Expressed in simple terms, Car-to-X communication is the “radio-based exchange of information between vehicles, as well as between vehicles and traffic infrastructure,” declares Dr. Christian Weiss, responsible for Car-to-X communication at Mercedes-BenzDevelopment.


“This has the advantage that we are also able to obtain information from points far outside the driver’s field of vision, which is not the case with conventional sensors.” This information provides the basis for a number of new assistance functions which complement the existing systems. “Car-to-X communication helps us let the driver know of hazardous situations early on.


 For example, we can warn of wrong-way drivers, but also of the end of a tailback which we are approaching; we can warn of emergency vehicles approaching from behind, or from the side, for example in a junction.” The safety network originates from a simple principle: every vehicle with Car-to-X technology can simultaneously and autonomously receive and send warnings.


 When the vehicle receives a hazard warning, the technology compares the vehicle’s position with the location of the hazard, says Dr. Christian Weiss, explaining the way the warning works. As soon as the vehicle approaches the danger spot, the driver is audibly and visually warned. This enables the driver to prepare for the situation, adjust his or her driving behaviour and avoid accidents.


Networking makes traffic not only safer, but more efficient as well, the Mercedes-Benz development engineer explains. Because when accidents are avoided, no traffic back-up occurs and traffic flows more freely and efficiently. Car-to-X communication can contribute to efficient mobility also by networking with the traffic infrastructure, for example traffic lights.


 In order to realise the future vision of safe and efficient mobility, developers are seeking to cooperate with other vehicle manufacturers. “Very clearly, the aim is to have the entire automotive industry jointly pursue Car-to-X communication.” The tighter the information network, the more effective the technology will be. The engineers do not want to wait too long before they introduce this intelligent networking, the developer reports. “We are getting started on Car-to-X communication at the end of this year with the so-called Drive Kit Plus, with which we integrate the customer iPhone in the vehicle architecture.




Posted by tammyduffy at 3:26 PM EST
Saturday, 26 December 2015
Laser Holiday Magic at State Museum



 Laser Holiday Magic at NJ State Museum
 The NJSM Planetarium invites you to celebrate this magical holiday season with its most spectacular show ever! Our new full-spectrum laser beams dance along with dazzling animated laser effects set to popular holiday music such as Winter Wonderland, Frosty the Snowman and many more. Enjoy a unique, festive experience under the stars at New Jersey’s largest planetarium.

Suitable for general audiences.


See trailer link below 

 December 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31

Laser Holiday Magic! - 11:00 am NEW (See description above)

Laser Holiday Magic! - 1:00 pm NEW (See description above)


Posted by tammyduffy at 9:14 AM EST
Monday, 21 December 2015


 Hamilton's Ethics Policy, Not Worth the Paper It's Written On







What does it take to get fired in Hamilton township as a township employee?  The ethics policy in Hamilton needs a set of dentures. It lacks any teeth.



Hamilton Township Ethics Policy: Not Worth the Paper its written on



In September 2014, Trentonian crime reporter, Penny Ray wrote: http://queys3.rssing.com/browser.php?indx=3391586&item=7502


This article focused on the arrest of a Hamilton Township employee (worked in the planning and compliance department of the township) who was growing marijuana plants in his backyard and in his home.  The Mercer County Narcotics Task Force apprehended 52-year-old Joseph Fratticcioli, last year. while he was working at the Hamilton Township Municipal Building.  The police performed a search of the employees home. They found six large marijuana plants in the backyard. In their search they also found three additional marijuana plants and a vacuum sealer in the mudroom.  There was also seven large glass jars containing marijuana, a triple beam scale, a plastic container of marijuana, $910 in cash, a rifle and two shotguns in his bedroom. Police seized the drugs, the cash and a Dodge pickup truck as suspected proceeds from drug sales.


According to public records, Fratticcioli has been employed by the township since 1985, and his salary last year was $83,288.  Fratticcioli is a Supervisor Drafting Technician with the Department of Community Planning and Compliance. As of today, he is still employed by the township of Hamilton in his position.  A recent OPRA request of a list of employees in the township, clearly demonstrates Fratticcoli's employment. You can also call his office at the township and speak to him. 


Fratticcioli was charged with two counts of possession of marijuana, two counts of possession of marijuana with the intent to distribute, possession of a firearm while committing a narcotics offense and possession of drug paraphernalia. His bail was set at $75,000.  During this drug raid police estimated the street value of the seized marijuana plants is $25,000. The estimated street value of the marijuana that was found in containers is $13,500.  How is it that this gentleman, is still employed with the township, if the township has such a touch ethics policy?The residents of Hamilton want to know.


Another two recent ethical incidents also have residents baffled in the township.  During an OPRA request one resident found that all digital files and emails have been destroyed, prior to 2010,  by the leadership in Hamilton.  There was no certification done with the destruction of these records. 


Federal agencies are usually very careful with recordssometimes even preserving unnecessary or redundant tweets, blogs, Web comments and email. Why? Often, they fear losing valuable data among the inconsequential prose or worse yet, being accused of “hiding” information. Still, records are at risk from human error or even malicious intent. (That famous 18 ½-minute gap in the Watergate tapes, which eventually brought down a presidency, comes to mind.)


But even accidentally wiping out the wrong files can have equally dire consequences. Without those files your agency may not be able to properly meet the needs of the public, operate efficiently, meet regulatory or compliance obligations or even fulfill Freedom of Information requests. When a record is inadvertently deleted, federal guidance requires agencies to recreate as much of the lost information as possible from bits and pieces or earlier documentation stored elsewhere—a time-consuming and sometimes fruitless endeavor that most often results in an incomplete record.


Wouldn’t it be better if that information hadn’t been destroyed at all? Setting up a good records management program may seem daunting, but our government leaders have responsibilities that are manageable. A little effort in the short term will save an office trouble in the long term. Document accessibility will save government employees the headache of sorting through vast amounts of paperwork, dramatically improving efficiency. 


Local town leadership’s involvement with records management began the first day they became a part of the public office or employed for local government. 


The law defines public records very broadly. All records must be managed properly. Most records will be destroyed according to established policies and procedures. The small percentage of records deemed to have permanent value need to be deposited at the State Archives. When the policies are not followed, and records are willfully destroyed, criminal prosecution is in order. A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 3 years or a fine not exceeding $1,000 in many states. 


What is the role of a public official? Whether you were voted into office, appointed by an elected representative, or hired by a government agency, you are responsible for your organization's records.  Records must be maintained correctly to facilitate the transparency that the public expects of public office-holders.  To deliberately delete or allow deletions to occur and do nothing about it, is illegal. This clearly does not meet the ethics policy of any state or municipality.


State law makes all public officials responsible for making sure that records no longer needed are either offered to the Archives or are destroyed according to procedures that are spelled out in the states regulations. 


Transparency of government is only possible through records management. Continuity of records is an integral piece of public officials' responsibility to their constituents. Though it may sound challenging, adhering to good records management practices will be beneficial in the long-term. An office with easy and reliable access to its records will operate efficiently. 


Upon entering the place where many of the townships documents are stored, a normal person would be stunned at the condition of the room. There was visqueen plastic draped throughout the room clothes pinned to the ceiling. There were puddles of brown water laying within the visqueen.  When we asked one of the township employees what was the cause of having all this plastic hanging from the ceiling. Their response,” the roof has been leaking for quite some time so we have this up to protect the file cabinets.  Last year, I was in the tax office in the municipal building and saw this same dramatic visqueen plastic set up due to the leaking roof.  


One of the record  rooms at the townships municipal building is filled with numerous file cabinets. These file cabinets house important government records. All of the cabinets in this room had this plastic visqueen above them. There were extensive puddles of brown water scattered throughout the visqueen, above the cabinets. Obviously mold growing from the continued wetness.  Is this how our government documents should be safeguarded? This is also not an optimal work environment for the employees as well. 


The mess does not end with the cabinets. There are numerous old, collapsed unlabeled boxes of records. One would have to leaf through to evaluate the documents.  The boxes are not labeled just stuffed with numerous amounts of paper.


Governments are bound by law to protect all records; which includes emails.  which are in their custody.  The law defines the roles laid out in the Annotated Code in an effort to protect records considered essential to the continuing operation of government, guarantee the integrity and preservation of permanent records, ensure the legal admissibility of the permanent record, secure the rights and privileges of citizens, assure public access to the records of government, promote agency legal and fiscal accountability, provide a means to document agency administrative history.

The law also further states that a person may not willfully alter, deface, destroy, remove, or conceal a public record except under proper authority. Exploring the regulations makes it clear that records management is important to the management of your government's responsibilities.


The Division and the State Archivist have adopted regulations to define the character of records of archival quality; determine the quantity of those records;  set standards for the development of record retention and disposal schedules; and provide for the periodic transfer to the State Archivist or disposal of records, in accordance with the schedules. 


Each unit of the government shall have a program for the continual, economical, and efficient management of the records of the unit. The program needs to include procedures to ensure the security of the records; to establish and to revise, in accordance with the regulations, record retention and disposal schedules that ensure the prompt and orderly disposition of records that the unit no longer needs for its operation; and to facilitate compliance the law. One can only imagine if this program exists and if it does how does the leadership ensure its being followed.


In the event government documents are in danger of being destroyed  alternative solutions must be made to ensure the integrity of the government documents. (i.e. rent equipment, storage space, or services for records, including microfilming or photocopying, and, as appropriate). 


The State does not under any circumstances authorize any local government to perform destruction of a permanent book of account; the destruction of a land record of a clerk of a circuit court; the destruction of any record that relates to the financial operation of a unit of the government or to collection of State , the destruction of any record until the expiration of the period that a statute expressly sets for that record to be kept; the destruction of any public record that a statute expressly requires to be kept permanently.


In accordance with the record retention and disposal schedules, a public officials must offer to the Archives any public record of the official that no longer is needed, such as: an original paper; a book;  a file;  a record of a court of record for which an accurate transcript is in use; or  a record that relates to the internal management of or otherwise is a housekeeping record. 


Unless a government has received written approval from the State Archivist, a public official may not destroy any public record. If a record is destroyed there will be a record of approval of the destruction and how it was destroyed.  


The custodian of records shall, at the expiration of the custodian's term of office, appointment, or employment, deliver custody and control of all records kept or received in the transaction of official business to the custodian's successor, supervisor, or records officer, or to Archives. 

Public officials shall notify the Archives of any actual, impending, or threatened unlawful removal, defacing, alteration, or destruction of records that shall come to the agency's attention.  The State Archivist may request the Attorney General to seek appropriate relief. 


When nonpermanent records are destroyed in accordance with the terms of an approved schedule, the agency or Records Center have to submit a certificate of records destruction to Archives. In the township of Hamilton, no certification in the past 34 years has ever been done. The lack of focus on ensuring the integrity of sacred government documents in the local government of Hamilton is very disturbing. 


Upon further discussions and follow up with the Hamilton Municipal Clerk, who has been in her position for 35  years we learned from the clerk:


"Emails just "disappear

All servers just "disappear" when people leave office

No email or digital file was ever saved prior to July 2010, they were all deleted

In the past 35 years there has never been a certification (this properly documents what documents or emails have been deleted or sent to the state archive) done ever in the history of Hamilton township in Mercer County. All certifications come through the clerk and she has never processed one

The Hamilton clerk is well aware of the shenanigans going on with the deletion of files and emails, her own have just disappeared, but nothing has ever been done to rectify the situation or document this behavior is going on."


How does the destruction of public records in Hamilton support the towns "touch ethics policy?" How is it that the clerk and the leadership all know this goes on and there are no ramifications for this behavior? The residents of Hamilton want to know?


Since Sept 2010, Susan Sternberg has been the executive director of the Hamilton Township library. In August of this year, the executive director of the Hamilton township library presented to the Friends of Hamilton (a nonprofit group that helps financially support the library) the need for new computers. The estimated cost was $9,000 for the new computers. Sternberg presented this need to the Friends of Hamilton Library and the Trustees of the library approved the purchased.  What happened next with this, clearly does not meet the sniff test of the Yaede administrations ethic policy.


Sternberg used her personal credit card to make the purchase of the computers for the library. She bragged to staff that she did this so she could get frequent flyer miles.  This is not the normal process that happens for purchases for the library. The normal process entails the library getting an invoice and the Friends of Hamilton will either pay the vendor directly or reimburse the township for whatever was purchased. It is not the process to use ones own personal credit card to make purchases to reap the rewards of airline mileage.


The trustees of the library were very disturbed by this behavior, so they have placed Scott Chianese in the role of executive director at the library, an interim role they are saying.  


According to sources at the library, Sternberg is on family leave to take care of her father who recently had orthopedic surgery in California. They were told this by Hamilton Township's business administrator John Ricci and Mayor Yaede, according to sources. They state she is out until the end of this year, and into 2016 as well.


However, sources at the library clearly have seen Sternberg out and about in Hamilton, clearly not in California according to sources. Sternberg is still on the Hamilton township payroll collecting a paycheck.


How do these above three examples meet the "tough ethics policy" of the township. Well, clearly they do not. The residents of Hamilton want to know why this behavior is the accepted normal? 



Response to Residents


Mayor Yaede touts an open and accessible government with her "open-door policy" for residents. The reality of the matter for residents is there is a bolted door, lack of response from her and her directors, and lack of response even through the HAMSTAT system. Several residents for over a year have been trying to contact the township via phone, letters, emails, etc in regards to the negative effects of their poorly planned economic development. All of the communications have been ignored and unresponded to.  How is this behavior demonstrated by the township leadership meeting the "open door policy" the mayor touts? This clearly demonstrates a town that has something to hide.






Double Dippers


Public service is supposed to be enriching work, and by now you know why: Many public servants turn this calling into a double-dipping obscenity, then justify it as an accepted Jersey tradition.


Hundreds of state employees simultaneously collect high salaries and retirement pay, gaming the pension system with impunity by exploiting a loophole in the law. The only way this ends is if taxpayers – assuming they resist the impulse to drive their heads into a wall – voice their intolerance for charades .  There are 15 employees on the Hamilton township payroll who are collecting two incomes for one job.  They have tricked the system and are taking advantage of the "special retirement provision" of their public pension plans: They cash out after 25 years, then return to a similar post that is covered by a different pension plan.


Few legislators are interested in prohibiting the practice, because at last count, 18 of them also double-dip. Senator Jennifer Beck has made this her passion to change. Her bill when passed will suspend pensions for workers who resume public employment with a salary higher than $15,000 – no exceptions.


As for those pensioners who think about challenging it in court, they'll have two choices: They can cease their double-dipping voluntarily, or they can prepare for it to be a campaign issue.


No one begrudges a public employee's comfortable retirement – especially cops, who spend their lives on the front lines of violence. But as New Jersey's pension deficit grows more onerous each year, state employees concede they have to make sacrifices. Now it's time for the legislature to do its part, starting with a look in the mirror – the only way to prove that its desire for comprehensive reform is earnest.



Posted by tammyduffy at 8:08 AM EST
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Lord and Taylor Hosts BCI for 3 Day Fur Trunk Show

 Lord and Taylor Hosts BCI for 3 Day  Fur Trunk Show



Lord and Taylor hosted BC International Group, Inc at the Quaker Bridge Mall this weekend and their first ever fur trunk show. BCI was established in February of 1993. Since its inception, BCI has become the world's largest fur retailer with over 120 full service fur salons nationwide. BCI operates as a leased space retailer within major department stores including Saks Fifth Avenue, Macy's, Bloomingdale's and Lord and Taylor.
Customers who attended this trunk show got to see some of the newest styles in fur fashion.  Prices ranged from $300 to $10,000 at the event. Fox, Sable, Mink, Rabbit coats, vests, reversibles and accessories were among the types of fur and styles at the event.



Posted by tammyduffy at 7:28 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 20 December 2015 7:45 PM EST
Saturday, 19 December 2015
Sizzling Dialogue Takes Family Dysfunction to New Levels in ‘August: Osage County’ at MCCC’s Kelsey Theatre Jan. 8 to 17


 Sizzling Dialogue Takes Family Dysfunction to New Levels in ‘August: Osage County’ at MCCC’s Kelsey Theatre Jan. 8 to 17


 Kelsey Theatre kicks off the new year with a serious family drama that finds humor in even the most fraught moments.  PinnWorth Productions presents Tracy Letts’ Pulitzer Prize-winning play, “August: Osage County,” on Fridays, Jan. 8 and 15 at 8 p.m.; Saturdays, Jan. 9 and 16 at 8 p.m.; and Sundays, Jan. 10 and 17 at 2 p.m.  Kelsey Theatre is located on the college’s West Windsor Campus, 1200 Old Trenton Road.  A reception with the cast and crew follows the opening night performance on Jan. 8. 

The Westons are, simply put, a dysfunctional family: parents who have given up on each other, siblings with long simmering resentments, and a whole range of communication problems with just about anyone related to their clan. 
“It’s one part ‘All in the Family’ and one part ‘Medea’ [the ancient Greek tragedy],” said PinnWorth Productions’ LouJ Stalsworth, the show’s producer and director.  “I’ve been fortunate to cast some of Central Jersey’s best talent as the Weston family – a group of women who puts the fun into dysfunctional.” 
The cast stars Sari Ruskin of Princeton as Violet, the acid-tongued, pill-popping mother to sisters Barbara, Ivy and Karen, played by Laurie Hardy of Hamilton, Sally Page of Princeton, and Kyla Marie Mostello Donnelly of Levittown, Pa., respectively. 
According to Stalsworth, the script won the 2008 Pulitzer Prize for good reason. “It has the best dialogue since ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf.’  With equal parts deep anger and shocking bluntness, it’s laughable dark humor.  And while it translated wonderfully to the big screen with a cast that included Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts, I think the stage version is even better,” he said.
The cast also features Joe Comengo of Moorestown as Bill Fordham; Jaci D'Ulisse of Trenton as Johnna Monevata; Rachel Lemos of Lawrenceville as Jean Fordham; Jon Heron of Monroe as Charles Aiken; Roman Sohor of Manalapan as Little Charles Aiken; Zach Abraham of Highland Park as Sheriff Deon Gilbeau; and Sean McGrath of Churchville, Pa., as Bev Weston. 
In addition to Stalsworth, the production team includes set and costume designer Kate Pinner, and sound and lighting designer Robert Terrano. Nicole Schulnick is stage manager. 
Tickets are $18 for adults, $16 for senior citizens, and $14 for students and children. Free parking is available next to the theater. Tickets may be purchased online at www.kelseytheatre.net or by calling the Kelsey Box Office at 609-570-3333.  Kelsey Theatre is wheelchair accessible, with free parking available next to the theater.  For a complete listing of adult and children's events, visit the Kelsey website or call the box office for a brochure.

Posted by tammyduffy at 7:15 AM EST
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Nutcracker at MCCC



The Nutcracker" Caps Off Holiday Season at MCCC’s Kelsey Theatre Dec. 18-20
 Mercer County Community College’s Kelsey Theatre caps off the holiday season with a festive annual treat.  The New Jersey Youth Ballet presents its original hour-long, narrated adaptation of "The Nutcracker" ballet on Friday, Dec. 18 at 7 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 19 at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m., and Sunday, Dec. 20 at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Kelsey Theatre is located on the college’s West Windsor campus, 1200 Old Trenton Road.
Dancers in full costume will perform to the famous Tchaikovsky score as they transport audiences to The Land of the Sweets.  According to NJ Youth Ballet, this abridged version of The Nutcracker is one that even the youngest children can enjoy.  The ballet is danced almost entirely by children and teens.  Dolls and sweets come to life, mice and toy soldiers do battle, and snowflakes dance in a beautiful snow covered forest. 
Tickets are $16 for adults, and $14 for seniors, students and children. They may be purchased by calling the Kelsey Box Office at 609-570-3333 or ordered online at www.kelseytheatre.net.
Kelsey Theatre is located on the college’s West Windsor campus, 1200 Old Trenton Road.  The theater is wheelchair accessible. Free parking is available next to the theater. 

Posted by tammyduffy at 7:23 PM EST
FUR Trunk Sale


Fur Trunk Show
Lord and Taylor
Quakerbridge Mall
Lawrenceville, NJ 


Thursday, Dec. 17 thru Sunday, Dec. 20, 2015
150 Items
Furs will be located in Contemporary Zone



Posted by tammyduffy at 7:05 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 8 December 2015 7:25 PM EST
Friday, 4 December 2015










From gorgeous gowns to breathtaking fragrance, nothing is too beautiful for Christian Dior. Carlos Olmeda, make-up artist for Dior, shared his expertise with women at Lord and Taylor at the Quaker Bridge Mall today. 


Carlos shared his same passions for enhancing a women's natural beauty. He provided clients with knowledgeable advice on how they can enhance and nourish the skin, so it always looks it's best. With over a decade of working with color and known for his belief that makeup should look effortless, Carlos loves teaching women how to be even more beautiful.


Today, Carlos taught women about many of the exclusive products by Dior. Some of the products he used were:


Instant Cleansing Water with Pure Lily Extract: At the heart of Dior's cleansers performance are 3 voluptuous and tender flowers that deliver their benefits in the first step of the skincare ritual.  Dior has selected fortifying pure lily to meet the requirements of all skin types.  The instant cleansing water eliminates all types of makeup in a single step. Gently unveiled, the skin is perfectly clean, supple and smooth. 


One Essential: One Essential combats the toxins by reinvigorating the elimination process* in order to restore the skin's luminosity. A three-dimensional action: 
detoxifies: it continuously eliminates toxins* and frees the flow of energy at the heart of the skin.  It regenerates and energizes: it optimizes the correct functioning of cells. It boosts by up to 4 times the effectiveness of ingredients* of your usual, subsequently applied skincare.  This fresh, air-whipped and slightly pinkish texture revives the complexion and instantly infuses it with radiance, without a pearlescent or tightening effect, nor a greasy feel. 


City Defense: This is an invisible revolutionary shield that offers unequaled skin protection against toxins.  Thanks to a triple anti-pollution action—anti-adhesion, anti-penetration, and anti-oxidization—and powerful UVA/UVB filters, your skin is protected for up to eight hours. It works great as a makeup base, refreshes skin, and delivers youthful-looking radiance. 


Carlos also taught women how to make their eyes look more rested. By using a brow pencil lightly fill in the brow, be natural with your approach. Draw by the arch and the medial aspect of the brow (closest to the eye). Then place Dior's eye primer on the lid. This product neutralizes the veins on your lid. Next, apply Fantasie neutral eye shadow cream over the primer. This will give you eyes a very relaxed look.


Blackout Mascara: Gives your lashes a little more oomph and a lot more drama. This product is 15 times darker than other products on the market. Intensified by ultra-black, kohl pigments, the formula glides on smoothly and draws each lash out to show-stopping lengths. Wear it alone, or layer it over Diorshow to glamour-eyes in an instant! It envelopes the lash to give it more intensity.  Diorshow is a natural velvet texture mascara with a full brush. It is flake free formula allows you to use blue or purple mascara with your brown or green eyes and look magnificent.  If you eyes are blue Diorshow comes in brown. 


If one wants to add a little more sophistication to your everyday eyes use a glow maximizer around the eye contour and cheekbone. Also, by using a blue eyeliner (with brown or green eyes) with a purple shadow on top of the line, this will enhance a woman's natural features.  To add some more zest to a holiday evening, add some gold and or silver shimmer to your eyelids and lips.


Carlos shares Mr. Dior's passion to enhance a person’s natural beauty. He provides clients with knowledgeable advice on how they can enhance and nourish the skin, so it always looks it's best. With over a decade of working with color and known for his belief that makeup should look effortless, Carlos loves teaching women how to be even more beautiful.


Posted by tammyduffy at 9:39 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 5 December 2015 3:12 AM EST
Wednesday, 2 December 2015




Every second, there is an enormous number of animals suffering pain worse than you or I could ever imagine, throughout the world at the hands of humans.


Because animals do not have language that is understood by humans, they cannot make complaints, or sue anyone (they would be taken far more notice of then).  Even though animals obviously feel fear and pain, just like humans, sentences for animal abuse do not reflect that. They are extremely lenient and not at all a deterrent or just.


Pet owners and non-pet owners alike have their dander up over a new law that went into effect in the Garden State. New Jersey police can stop a vehicle with an improperly restrained pet and issue a ticket ranging from $250-$1,000 and be subjected to a disorderly conduct offense under animal-cruelty laws. Fines for humans not being properly restrained are $46, according to a New Jersey government website.


Unrestrained pets can be a distraction to drivers, just like cell phone use, adjusting the radio, eating, applying cosmetics, and many other non-driving related activities that many of us regularly engage in.  Not only can pets distract drivers, a pet can be injured or lost during the chaos of an accident. Restraining our pet just makes sense...for pets and their people.

New Jersey takes pet restraints very seriously.   The New Jersey statute 4:22-18 as well as the statute which spells out the penalty, 4:22-17 is very specific. 


In the release by the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty, a driver can be cited for each animal that is not properly restrained. That means that if you have four dogs running loose in your car and are stopped,  it can quickly become an expensive trip or a trip to jail.


Depending on how this law is interpreted and enforced, drivers in New Jersey should be weary.  Even though police officers may not be expressly targeting drivers to cite them for a cruelty to animals offense resulting from an non-restrained animal, officers certainly may write that expensive ticket when they have you pulled over for something else.  It may end up being in your best (and money saving) interests to bite the bullet and purchase a pet restraint.


The law reads:


4:22-18. Carrying animal in cruel, inhumane manner; disorderly persons offense

4:22-18. A person who shall carry, or cause to be carried, a living animal or creature in or upon a vehicle or otherwise, in a cruel or inhumane manner, shall be guilty of a disorderly persons offense and punished as provided in subsection a. of R.S.4:22-17.


4:22-17. Cruelty; disorderly persons offense; certain acts, crimes; degrees.

[a person who is guilty of cruelty]… Shall be guilty of a disorderly persons offense, and notwithstanding the provisions of N.J.S.2C:43-3 to the contrary, for every such offense shall be fined not less than $250 nor more than $1,000, or be imprisoned for a term of not more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the court. A violator of this subsection shall also be subject to the provisions of subsection c. and, if appropriate, subsection d. of this section.


b.     A person who shall purposely, knowingly, or recklessly:

…Shall be guilty of a crime of the fourth degree.

If the animal or creature is cruelly killed or dies as a result of a violation of this subsection, or the person has a prior conviction for a violation of this subsection, the person shall be guilty of a crime of the third degree.

A violator of this subsection shall also be subject to the provisions of subsection c. and, if appropriate, subsection d. of this section.


c.     For a violation of subsection a. or b. of this section, in addition to imposing any other appropriate penalties established for a crime of the third degree, crime of the fourth degree, or disorderly persons offense, as the case may be, pursuant to Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes, the court shall impose a term of community service of up to 30 days, and may direct that the term of community service be served in providing assistance to the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a district (county) society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, or any other recognized organization concerned with the prevention of cruelty to animals or the humane treatment and care of animals, or to a municipality’s animal control or animal population control program. The court also may require the violator to pay restitution or otherwise reimburse any costs for food, drink, shelter, or veterinary care or treatment, or other costs, incurred by any agency, entity, or organization investigating the violation, including but not limited to the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a district (county) society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, any other recognized organization concerned with the prevention of cruelty to animals or the humane treatment and care of animals, or a local or State governmental entity.


d.     If a juvenile is adjudicated delinquent for an act which, if committed by an adult, would constitute a disorderly persons offense pursuant to subsection a. of this section or a crime of the third degree or crime of the fourth degree pursuant to subsection b. of this section, the court also shall order the juvenile to receive mental health counseling by a licensed psychologist or therapist named by the court for a period of time to be prescribed by the licensed psychologist or therapist.


In a recent article in the Hamilton Post, Dec 2015 issue, journalist Rob Anthes, wrote an article entitled, A Day With The Mayor. This article spanned four pages of the newspaper. The Mayor of Hamilton stated to Rob that they would have a special guest on their 2 hour car ride through the township. The special guest was one of the shelter animals, Ozzie. During their two hour tour of the township, Ozzie was not restrained in the vehicle. This is against the law. It is a pure example of animal cruelty as per the NJ statutes.

It was reported in the article, "THUNK! We had hit a bump, and Ozzy-who just decided to get comfortable, flopped off the backseat onto the floor."  The dog decided to remain on the floor after being thrown from the seat.


One can only question how an elected official, who is a pet owner; and claims to be a lover of pets, would not be aware of the laws that exist in the State of New Jersey.  However, this is the same elected official who nicknamed their town the Big H when simultaneously a heroin epidemic has been running occuring.  The Big H as everyone knows is the street name for heroin. We will give the journalist a pass for his lack of knowledge on this very important law. However, he has been educated on the statute now. The elected official should not be given a pass.  

When we contacted the Hamilton Animal shelter a representative at the shelter said," I saw OZZIE today, he is fine."  Did Ozzie speak and tell the shelter representative that he did not get hurt, that he was not bruised or upset by the event. Ozzie cannot speak, That is why as adults we must protect our furry friends from those who could do them hard. For anyone to think this is appropriate to do to any animal, yet a shelter animal is just criminal. Many municipalities in the county and elsewhere, as well as rescue non profits,  mandate that a restraining device must be present in order to take an animal from the facility. The township could not share their policy on this matter. This is the same animal shelter that has the highest death/kill rate in the county.


Any pet owner that allows their pets to have free rein inside their vehicle can be dangerous to them, the pet, and everyone else on the road. As a responsible owner, it’s best to restrain them in the car. Hence, why the state of NJ has expanded on their animal cruelty laws.


The logic behind the laws are as follows:


Your dog becomes a projectile in a car accident: The sad truth is that your 60-pound best friend basically becomes a 2,100 pound wrecking ball if you have a collision at 35 miles per hour, and their momentum can injure anyone around. What’s worse is that the higher the speed or the heavier your dog, the worse the impact would be for them, for you, or for your passengers.


A loose pet is dangerously distracting: Fido, Kitty or any other critter running loose in your vehicle is as dangerous as texting while driving. And their adorable (but unrestrained) antics could subject you to the law for distracted driving – which can be pretty harsh in some states. A dog in your lap can cause interference with your steering or block your vision. And, if she crawls under the pedals, she could hinder your ability to apply the gas or hit the brakes.


Pets may pose a threat to first responders: In a car wreck, injured or frightened pets may lash out and bite people that approach the car – including paramedics. Their instincts may drive them to protect themselves and you, hindering emergency personnel from helping anyone inside the vehicle – especially if they’re loose and snapping at anyone that comes close. If your dog bites emergency personnel, the protocol is for first responders to tend to their colleagues’ injury before anyone else, which could leave you in the lurch for some time if you’re also injured.


Your dog is a legal (and financial) responsibility: Dogs act unpredictably when they’re frightened or injured, and it’s possible that they could escape the car and bite someone attempting to rescue them. Even in an accident, you could be held responsible under the strict liability statutes imposed by many states that say owners are responsible for injuries caused by their dog, whether or not the owner knew or had reason to know the dog was dangerous.


They can cause secondary injuries: If your dog is unrestrained, they can escape after a car wreck and cause a secondary accident when a car tries to swerve to keep from striking them – making a horrible situation worse. And, the damages from this type of accident may not be covered by your insurance carrier.


Several states, N. J. being one of them, have enacted laws that require pets to be restrained when riding in vehicles. The goal of these laws aren’t to save pet’s lives, but it will have a happy result – the pet owners, the pets, and everyone else on the road will be safer. Lawmakers put them in place because they consider driving with a pet on your lap or with them unrestrained in the car to be similar to texting and driving or driving while intoxicated.


New Jersey – New Jersey police officers can stop drivers anytime they believe that an animal is being improperly transported. The law forbids dogs from hanging out of windows (and also riding in the beds of pickup trucks). Motorists are required to properly restrain their pets, which in the state of New Jersey means that they need to be buckled up with restraints specifically designed for pets, or safely stowed in a pet crate. The fines are steep, too, with a price tag of $250 to $1,000 – and drivers could potentially face charges under animal cruelty laws.


Arizona, Connecticut and Maine – distracted driving statutes can be used to charge drivers who are observed driving with pets in their laps.

Hawaii – Laws strictly forbids individuals from holding a pet in their lap while driving.

Rhode Island – State Representative (D) Peter Palumbo introduced legislation in 2013 that he hopes will make driving with a pet in your lap a distracted driving violation in Rhode Island.


The rest of the family wears a seat belt, and this family member needs one, too! A  good fitting seat belt can restrain your pup and keep him from hitting his head or body on the hard interior of the car, or from flying out of the car if there is a collision or you have to slam on your brakes. Also, it may be fun to watch your dog stick its head out the window–not so fun when his eyes or face are hit by debris or insects. The seat belt will keep them secure and you can crack the window, so they can still see the sights and smell all that amazing “stuff.”


A dog seat belt is made of adjustable straps that fit all varieties of dogs. Owners can purchase different types of seat belt harnesses that wrap around a dog’s body and attach to the seat belt in your car. The safest place for a seat belted dog is in the middle back seat, so be sure to put her there. Animals in the front seat can be crushed by the airbag if it deploys in a collision.


As a responsible pet owner, you want to make sure that you restrain your animal whenever you drive – even for short trips. Unrestrained dogs can cause injuries to you and others, and can even cause secondary car accidents if your dog escapes from the car. Dogs and cats roaming loose in your car or sitting in your lap can cause you to become distracted, which can lead to a ticket or legal issues in some states such as New Jersey. You don’t want to open yourself up to the hassles of any legal liabilities or cause anyone to get hurt when you are driving with your pet, so be sure you buckle up that dog!


Do not be irresponsible and not restrain your furry loved ones. If you are an elected official, you are not above the law, you also need to abide by the laws and statutes of the state.


The FBI Just Made Animal Cruelty A Top-Tier Felony and the Reason Isn’t What You Think.  Now animal abusers could potentially face jail-time in order to set a deterrent against future like offenses.


Previously, animal cruelty was classified as “other,” making it a difficult crime to track, find and statistically count. Now, animal cruelty will be listed in a similar manner to major crimes such as assault, homicide and arson. It will divide the crime into four categories: intentional abuse and torture, simple or gross neglect, organized abuse (like dog fighting and cockfighting) and animal sexual abuse.


How does the FBI define animal cruelty?


“Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly taking an action that mistreats or kills any animal without just cause, such as torturing, tormenting, mutilation, maiming, poisoning, or abandonment. Included are instances of duty to provide care, e.g., shelter, food, water, care if sick or injured; transporting or confining an animal in a manner likely to cause injury or death; causing an animal to fight with another; inflicting excessive or repeated unnecessary pain or suffering, e.g., uses objects to beat or injure an animal. This definition does not include proper maintenance of animals for show or sport; use of animals for food, lawful hunting, fishing or trapping.”


The National Sherriff's Association was a primary force behind the change, as they are firm believers that animal cruelty is a key behavioral indicator of other crimes. Pawtner-in-advocacy Animal Welface Institute, succinctly stated the benefits: “Collecting this data will enable law enforcement agencies and researchers to understand the factors associated with animal abuse.”


Additionally, this information could provide the FBI a better understanding of the factors that create violent crimes. For example, various studies have shown the link between animal cruelty and serial killers, as well as domestic abusers.  Infamous serial killers such as Jeffrey Dahmer, Albert De Salvo (the Boston Strangler) and David Berkowitz (the Son of Sam) notoriously all tortured and killed animals before moving on to humans.


The violent crime rates in Hamilton township have risen to record numbers in the past two years. Is one of the reasons that this is occurring because there is a complacent attitude to animal cruelty? We can only hope the Mayor is not allowed to continue to demonstrate animal cruelty to the shelter animals in the town or to her own pet that she frequently drives to the municipial building in the township. 


Posted by tammyduffy at 8:35 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 3 December 2015 6:41 AM EST

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