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Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Hamilton Greenlighting Just For Show


 Hamilton Greenlighting Just For Show




As American's we watched during the World Series and we saw that Walmart spend millions of dollars. They focused on advertising aimed at getting Americans to display green outdoor lights to honor Veterans. 


So, how much money will Walmart make by selling green outdoor lights?  And, of course, how much did that commercial cost?  I apologize if I appear to be too cynical.


If you read Walmart’s press release about the initiative it actually has less emphasis on the “display a green light” and more emphasis on their support for many Veteran related charitable organizations.  And, Walmart has hired some retired General to be in charge of the program so it must be in touch with Veterans, right?  Why is it that a phone call to two Hamilton Walmart's yielded employees with no idea what the Greenlight for Veterans Project was? How can this be?


Watching the commercial, however, many Americans would be right to conclude that they are doing their part or just doing “good” by merely displaying a green light.


The truth is we have seen this before.  It is nothing new.  Years ago displaying yellow ribbons was a very nice gesture.  Then it was magnetic yellow ribbons on cars.  It used to be that just displaying the American Flag was all that was needed and for me that remains true.    To make an impact on veterans it takes more than a green light or yellow ribbon.


To be clear, there are many people doing great things for Veterans.  Many people do and will give large amounts to many great Veterans causes and organizations.  I expect this will happen regardless of the number of green lights that are turned on.  And,  Walmart is indeed doing good things for Veterans. 


The bottom line is that I am indeed skeptical about the motivations of Walmart and others.  Here is why:


  • The VA is still broken and dysfunctional.  And, now, some Presidential candidates have made it acceptable to accuse the press and anybody else who makes that statement of being politically partisan just for stating that fact.


  • Are all these Veteran programs really helping to provide Veterans with a voice?  Are people spending more time listening to and understanding the concerns of Veterans?    


  • There is a great deal of focus on the “returning Veteran” but in the year 2015 what does that term even mean?  Veterans have been “returning” for 15 years ….       


  • Is hiring a Veteran for an entry level position something that deserves recognition and praise from the rest of America, like at Walmart? Should Companies be boasting about hiring people who are qualified?  Are these marketing campaigns or are they public service initiatives?         


  • PTSD is indeed a problem, and for many, now overcoming the “stigma” and “label” is as much of a problem as the symptoms themselves.      


The one thing I can say with certainty is that displaying a green light outside my home will not help to solve the problems.  If anything it will provide many ordinary Americans – even many well intentioned ones – with the message that by displaying that green light they have helped to solve the problems.  So it all stops right there or maybe it starts a conversation.


If you display the light as a government official, and do nothing to start the conversation in your own administration to implement job programs that focus on veterans, then don't bother. It will be viewed as just another gimmick. This was the word used by the mayor during the elections as it pertained to debates, they were just gimmicks. So we will use her word, don't put up green bulbs as a gimmick.


Hamilton, NJ is going “green”, they state it is for more than environmental reasons. This environmental comment is quite perplexing. This is the same administration that destroyed wetlands with the expansion of a private police gun range in a residential area. An administration that is negligent in recycling in the parks and government buildings.


The Township stated that they will join in the ‘Greenlight A Vet’ campaign. They will do so by displaying green lights at the Municipal Building, Health Division Building and Recreation Division Building.


This is the same administration during the Memorial Day parade, pushed veterans aside to be the lead in the town parade because it was an election year. They walked with their backs to the American flag the entire parade length. Its incomprehensible that any elected official would behave in this manner. To be this disrespectful of verterans is outrageous.


Hamilton will soon be home to two Walmart locations, including a Super Walmart that the administrations feels will help revitalize the town’s former Suburban Plaza retail center and become known as the Court at Hamilton.  Walmart has pledged to hire 250,000 veterans by the year 2020.


How many vets has Mayor Yaede hired since her inception into municipal government? What policies has she written to ensure she and her hiring managers are actively pursuing veterans in their hiring practices? One will find this initiative has been developed as well as a representation of diversity in her cabinet. The Hamilton municipal government is quite white, lacking diversity.  


Duffy's Cultural Couture recently did a story focused on Walmart and their selection process for implementation of new stores.   Neighborhoods that gain Super Walmart stores end up with more poverty and food-stamp usage than communities where the retailer does not open, a Walmart’s arrival leads to a net loss of jobs and lowers wages, according to research by economists at the University of California-Irvine and Cornell. Is this where we want our veterans working, to strive for poverty level jobs?




No one believes Veterans should be “offended” by people putting up green lights and we are not questioning the fact that Walmart does give a considerable amount of money for Veteran issues.  They are hiring veterans.

However, unfortunately, the problem of Veteran Unemployment will not be resolved by re-branding the yellow ribbon campaign or by coining a new phrase such as “greenlighting.”


The Reality – There are many Veterans who find themselves unemployed despite the numerous programs that corporate America and the VA have initiated to address the problem. Somewhere there is a very large disconnect. A central “portal” or registry for Veterans who are unemployed does NOT exist.


Young Vets Get Help – Many corporate efforts and VA programs use Veterans to fill their most basic, entry level, ground floor positions. This is a good as it provides opportunity for those young Veterans who leave the military after their first tour. And, it is well deserved since it is the young men and women who enlist that face the greatest hardship and challenges among those who serve in harm’s way. From a private sector perspective, it is also a “no-brainer” for companies to recruit and hire these younger veterans because they are often far more qualified for just about any entry level position than their civilian counterparts.


But, Let’s Be Real — These young Veterans account for only a small segment of the total Veteran group in the US. This is because we are a Nation with an all-volunteer force that relies on high levels of retention to maintain a high level of professionalism. As a result, a large number of “Veterans” do not leave the service until they have attained a higher level of seniority and experience. So, those Veterans are not in a position to re-start their lives with entry level positions.


Defense Sector Downsizing – Perhaps the most “Veteran” friendly sector within corporate America has traditionally been the Defense & Aerospace industry which has always welcomed and recruited senior level military professionals. However, that market has been extremely hard hit with layoffs and reductions in force over the past five years. Those Veterans who had spent their entire non-military professional career in that sector can find it very challenging to transition to new industries. None of the VA programs or corporate efforts that I am aware of are focused on this part of the problem.


Misperceptions – It is impossible to say how much the perceptions within “civilian” worlds about PTSD or the adaptability of the “warrior” culture into their workforce play into the problems facing Veterans seeking employment. Nobody wants to believe that these are actually significant factors. But, the reality is that most Veterans have too many stories about ridiculous interview questions and even instances of blatant discrimination. At a minimum, while all Americans are impacted by the subtle yet real issue of “age discrimination” in our workforce, Veterans ages 40-60 years are particularly at risk.

No More Pandering – Ultimately, it is extremely frustrating for Veterans to hear about all the programs, sponsorships and money being spent to help solve these problems while still being unable to find meaningful employment. Veterans do not expect any special hand-outs. But, Veterans do expect that if companies and organizations are going to talk the talk, at some point they should actually walk the walk instead of just saying great things or making heart throbbing commercials. Executive leaders should look at their hiring practices and question hiring managers to ensure that Veterans are indeed being “greenlighted” before they hold themselves out as being supportive of Veterans. 


Hamilton township, under the Yaede administration has not demonstrated an active focus on the hiring of veterans. We have not been able to obtain any policy written that focuses on this type of initiative either. We only hope that these green light bulbs turn other light bulbs on in the heads of the administration to really focus on the needs of the veterans in Hamilton, NJ. A green light bulb cannot do that. Walk the Walk Hamilton, not just talk the talk.


The color green can mean, jealously, possessiveness, or materialistic, a need to own people or objects. Without a plan in the Yaede administration, then the only meaning residents can see is the one stated here in this paragraph. This is not what veterans want, need or deserve. 


Posted by tammyduffy at 8:27 PM EST


Trenton Mayor Eric Jackson and Mercer County Executive Brian Hughes Announce Their Participation In First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness in 2015
 Joined by Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes and key nonprofits, including Soldier On and the Mercer Alliance to End Homelessness, Mayor Eric E. Jackson on Tuesday accepted First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Mayors Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness by the end of 2015.”


“Serious challenges must be addressed through collaboration and effective partnerships,” said Mayor Jackson. “Ending veteran homelessness is a critical issue that requires human-centered problem solving and a coordinated approach. I accept the First Lady’s “Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness,” and I underscore its important mission. No veteran in America should have to face homelessness."


Through Trenton’s Coordinated Entry and Assessment Services Center (CEAS), a comprehensive one-stop initiative for homeless adults launched last April, Mayor Jackson is committing resources and personnel to execute the “Plan to End Veteran Homelessness in 2015” in partnership with Mercer County, Soldier On, the Mercer Alliance to End Homelessness and other nonprofit and veteran-services organizations.


Accompanying Mayor Eric E. Jackson, Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes also signed on to the challenge.


“We have shown that we can rapidly house families once we have a focused effort. We can and will do the same for veterans. We will house every homeless veteran before the end of 2015,” Hughes said. Mercer County has received national recognition for its Family Rapid Rehousing program, which follows the Housing First approach that centers on quickly providing homeless people with housing and then providing services.


Frank Cirillo, Executive Director of the Mercer Alliance to End Homelessness, a strategic partner, said that the commitment to end veteran homelessness by the end of 2015 is simply not realistic without strong partnerships with nonprofit organizations and veteran-services providers in our area, such as Soldier On and Community Hope. He added that the Mercer Alliance to End Homelessness has been at the forefront of the issue of homelessness and has played an important role in developing the “Plan to End Veteran Homelessness in 2015.”


Trenton Mayor Eric Jackson and Mercer County Executive Brian Hughes Announce Their Participation in First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness in 2015”


“The Mercer Alliance to End Homelessness is joining with Mayor Jackson and Mercer County Executive Hughes in the “Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness by 2015” because to end homelessness we know that it takes a multipronged effort supported by committed partners," said Cirillo. "We have these elements in place and will meet our target goal."


“The Mayors Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness” is part of the “Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness,” which works to solidify partnerships and secure commitments to end Veteran homelessness from mayors across the country. Specifically, the call to action – announced by First Lady Michelle Obama and amplified by the HUD Secretary, by leaders across HUD, VA, USICH, and by the National League of Cities – is for mayors to make a commitment to ending veteran homelessness in their cities in 2015. 


To date, the area partners have identified 79 homeless veterans in Mercer County. Through various efforts and resources, 61 homeless veterans have been housed and the partners are confident that by the end of 2015, the remaining 18 veterans will be housed. Additionally, the city's CEAS Center has assisted 90 adults with various social services, including finding temporary and permanent housing.

Posted by tammyduffy at 7:30 PM EST
HAM’s Member Highlight Show Features Work of Arturo Cabrera


 HAM’s Member Highlight Show
Features Work of Arturo Cabrera

 About two years ago, Arturo Cabrera was a familiar face at the Hunterdon Art Museum as a summer camp coordinator overseeing volunteers and managing supplies.
But when Cabrera returns to the Museum this month, his visit will be for an entirely different purpose. Cabrera was chosen last year from the Museum’s Members Exhibition for a solo show, which will run until Jan. 3, 2016. Juror Darren McManus, a painter and educator at Raritan Valley Community College, selected Cabrera to be featured in the 2015 Members Highlight exhibition. The opening reception for the Member Highlight show is Sunday, Nov. 15 from 2 to 4 p.m.
“I am very humbled, grateful and happy to have this opportunity,” said the Ecuadorean-born painter, who graduated from Lehigh Valley Charter High School of the Performing Arts in 2012. “I still can't believe it to be honest. I have such respect for the Museum and what they do for the community. Their shows are always so inspiring, interesting and beautiful.”

Since spending his summer days at HAM, Cabrera has immersed himself in the arts, working as a color mixer in the studio of renowned artist Jeff Koons. 

Cabrera’s work employs portraiture to reveal larger themes such as his concerns for social justice or more private, intimate moments. “I hope the exhibition helps viewers see that a painting can be more than just a pretty picture, but can be more expressive and thoughtful,” he said.

Cabrera said he is drawn to the primitive power of paint, and how our ancestors painted with different marks and colors to determine what shapes best represented the human form.

“It is this kind of thinking that interests me when I paint,” Cabrera said. “Creatively pushing paint around to create living breathing forms. When to brighten a color versus when to let one fade away into the background. 

“The eye has to travel. How will I waltz my viewer around and around the surface of a painting? How will I create a rhythm – a pulse – in my work to bring it to life? These are the questions I seek to answer when painting,” he added.

The former Lehigh Valley area resident now resides in the Bronx.
The Museum is at 7 Lower Center St. in Clinton, New Jersey, 08809. Our website is www.hunterdonartmuseum.org and our telephone number is 908-735-8415. Hours are Tuesday through Sunday, 11 am – 5 pm and suggested admission is $5.

Posted by tammyduffy at 7:26 PM EST
Saturday, 7 November 2015


The Museum of Modern Art celebrates Italian cinema with two film series in December: Antonio Pietrangeli: A Retrospective (December 3–18, 2015), with long-term partner Luce Cinecittà, and Italian Film, 21st-Century Style: A Tribute to Rai Cinema (December 4–18, 2015). Exploring the director’s career from the early 1950s to the mid- 1960s, Antonio Pietrangeli will feature 11 feature films, from Pietrangeli’s best-known work— including the international premiere of the restored version of I Knew Her Well (which will play in New York theaters from February 2016)—to a number of rediscoveries. The nine films screened as part of Italian Film, 21st-Century Style focus on contemporary filmmaking in Italy, spanning the years 2000 to 2015, with all nine films having recently entered MoMA’s collection. The series is highlighted by an appearance from director Matteo Garrone, who introduces his film Tale of Tales on December 4.
Antonio Pietrangeli: A Retrospective is presented by MoMA in collaboration with Luce Cinecittà, Rome, and is organized by Dave Kehr, Adjunct Curator, Department of Film, MoMA, and Camilla Cormanni and Paola Ruggiero, Luce Cinecittà. Italian Film, 21st-Century Style: A Tribute to Rai Cinema is organized by Antonio Monda, Film Professor, New York University, with Rajendra Roy, The Celeste Bartos Chief Curator of Film, MoMA. These exhibitions will also be joined by a one-week presentation of Simone Rapisarda Casanova’s The Creation of Meaning, from December 17 to 23, 2015, organized by Joshua Siegel, Curator, Department of Film, MoMA.
Antonio Pietrangeli’s accidental death in 1968, at the age of 49, as he was preparing a shot for the film Come, quando, perché?, robbed the Italian cinema of a major talent in his prime. Combining the moral urgency of Neorealism with the satirical eye of commedia all’italiana, Pietrangeli’s work is centered on the evolving role of women in Italian society, as ancient traditions began to crumble after the collapse of fascism. From the provincial woman (Irene 2 Galter) working as a maid in Rome in his first film, Il Sole negli occhi (1953), to the bedazzled starlet (Stefania Sandrelli), suddenly elevated from the working class, in his last completed feature, Io la conoscevo bene (1965), Pietrangeli’s protagonists experience the promises and perils of a new, ambiguous freedom; the old institutions have been weakened, but no new communities of support have risen to take their place. Progress may demand that the brothels of Rome be closed, but as the four out-of-work prostitutes of Adua e le compagne (led by Simone Signoret) discover, society is still unwilling to allow them to live on their own terms. Trained as a physician, Pietrangeli entered film as an assistant on Luchino Visconti’s 1943 Ossessione, and went on to contribute to the screenplays of Visconti’s La Terra trema (1948) and Roberto Rossellini’s Europa ’51 (in which he also appears as a psychiatrist). But as a director, Pietrangeli quickly departed from the strict standards of Neorealism, plunging into the social satire of Lo Scapolo (1955, with Alberto Sordi), and flirting with the postcard romanticism of Souvenir d’Italie (1957) and the supernatural whimsy of Fanstasmi a Roma (1961, with Marcello Mastroianni). But it was with La Visita, in 1963, that Pietrangeli found his signature style, combining a relaxed pace, an anecdotal structure, and an open visual field to create a sense of freedom and possibility, even as that freedom eludes his characters. Had Pietrangeli continued his work, he would doubtlessly have made a crucial contribution to the redefinition of cinema in the late 1960s, but his completed films are more than enough to earn him a prominent position in the history of Italian film. While cinephiles often speak about Italian cinema with nostalgia for past eras, filmmakers working in Italy today are making some of the most impactful, resonant, and awarded movies of this new century. At the heart of many of these films is one studio, Rai Cinema. Celebrating many decades of support for visionary directors, the Rai Cinema catalog is filled with essential titles past and present. With Italian Film, 21st-Century Style: A Tribute to Rai Cinema, MoMA has selected nine films from the past 15 years that give a strong indication that future generations of cinephiles will look back at this era with nostalgia of their own. Because these nine films are also all recent additions to MoMA’s collection, it is certain that they will be as beautiful to behold then as they are now.
The films included in the exhibition are Il Racconto dei racconti (Tale of Tales) (2015), directed by Matteo Garrone; Il Mestiere delle armi (The Profession of Arms) (2001), written and directed by Ermanno Olmi; La Stanza Del Figlio (The Son’s Room) (2001), directed by Nanni Moretti; Buongiorno, notte (Good Morning, Night) (2003), directed by Marco Bellocchio; Le Chiavi di casa (The Keys to the House) (2004), directed by Gianni Amelio; Gomorra (2008), directed by Matteo Garrone; Terraferma (2011), directed by Emanuele Crialese; Cesare deve morire (Caesar Must Die) (2012), directed by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani; and Sacro GRA (2013), directed by Gianfranco Rosi. 3 RELATED SCREENING: MoMA Presents: Simone Rapisarda Casanova's The Creation of Meaning December 17–23, 2015 The Roy and Niuta Titus Theaters Highlighting one of the most adventurous new filmmakers from Italy, MoMA presents a weeklong theatrical run of Simone Rapisarda Casanova’s second documentary-fiction hybrid, winner of the 2014 Locarno Film Festival’s Best Emerging Director prize and a major discovery in the 2015 edition of New Directors/New Films.
Though its title arcs toward grand philosophical inquiry, the stirring power of The Creation of Meaning lies in its intimacy of detail and wry political observation. Shot with a painterly Renaissance beauty in Tuscany’s remote Apennine mountains, where memories of Nazi massacres and partisan resistance remain vivid, the film centers on Pacifico Pieruccioni, an aging but defiant shepherd whose very livelihood and traditions are threatened by a New European reality of Berlusconi-caliber corruption (hilariously evoked in a profanity-laden radio-talk-show rant) and German land speculation.
Organized by Joshua Siegel, Curator, Department of Film EXHIBITION SCREENING SCHEDULE: Antonio Pietrangeli: A Retrospective Io la conoscevo bene (I Knew Her Well). 1965. Screenplay by Antonio Pietrangeli, Ruggero Maccari, Ettore Scola. With Stefania Sandrelli, Mario Adorf, Jean-Claude Brialy, Nino Manfredi, Ugo Tognazzi. Pietrangeli’s best-known film stars the willowy Tuscan actress Stefania Sandrelli, who entered the movies as the 15-year-old winner of a provincial beauty contest, in a tragicomic twist on a story that might well have been her own. As the innocently sexual, minimally ambitious Adriana Astarelli, she’s a hairdresser who arrives in Rome as the protégé of a dubious promoter (Nino Manfredi) and finds herself drifting from man to man as she circles the periphery of modeling and show business. Indifferent to her own exploitation, she experiences a measure of material success without understanding what, if anything, she wants from life. 99 min. THU, DEC 3, 8:00 T1; FRI, DEC 18, 4:30
T2 Adua e le compagne (Adua and Her Friends). 1960. Screenplay by Antonio Pietrangeli, Ruggero Maccari, Tullio Pinelli, Ettore Scola. With Simone Signoret, Sandra Milo, Emmanuelle Riva, Marcello Mastroianni. Reluctantly liberated when a reform movement closes the legal brothels of Italy in 1958, four Roman prostitutes (Simone Signoret, Sandra Milo, Emmanuelle Riva, and Gina Rovere) are forced to take their work underground, opening a restaurant on the outskirts of the city that will, under the orders of their shady sponsor (Claudia Gora) serve as a front while they practice their former profession in the rooms upstairs. But the restaurant proves to be a success, and the women find new loves and new happiness—until the sponsor decides that respectability isn’t profitable enough. A touching portrait of female friendship and a cutting indictment of social hypocrisy. 106 min. FRI, DEC 4, 7:00 T2; THU, DEC 17, 4:30 T1
La Visita (The Visit). 1963. Screenplay by Antonio Pietrangeli, Gino De Santis, Ruggero Maccari, Ettore Scola. With Sandra Milo, François Périer, Mario Adorf. Adapted from a story by Carlo Cassola (La ragazza di Bube), Pietrangeli’s exquisite miniature describes the daylong encounter of two would-be lovers who meet through a lonely-hearts ad. Adolfo (the French performer François Périer) is a fussy Roman bookstore clerk who travels to the Po Valley to meet Pina (Sandra Milo), who works for an agricultural supply firm. Worried 4 that their marriageable days are coming to an end, the two have already decided to fall in love with each other—but first they have to get acquainted. 86 min. SAT, DEC 5, 5:00; WED, DEC 16, 4:30,
T1 Fantasmi a Roma (Ghosts of Rome). 1961. Screenplay by Antonio Pietrangeli, Ennio Flaiano, Ruggero Maccari, Ettore Scola, Sergio Amidei. Cinematography byGiuseppe Rotunno. Music by Nino Rota. With Marcello Mastroianni, Sandra Milo, Eduardo De Filippo, Tino Buazzelli, Vittorio Gassman, Claudio Gora. Pietrangeli’s star-studded comic fantasy displays the fine hand of the Roman satirist, playwright, and screenwriter Ennio Flaiano, fresh from the success of La Dolce vita. Life is still sweet for the aging aristocrat Prince Hannibal Roviano (Eduardo De Filippo), although he lives it alone among the ancestral ghosts who haunt the family mansion. But when the prince dies and ownership passes to his dissolute nephew (Marcello Mastroianni, in one of his three roles in the film), the ghosts must intervene to prevent the decaying palace from being turned into a discotheque. Their solution: recruit the ghost of a 16th-century painter (Vittorio Gassman) to whip up a hidden fresco magnificent enough to certify the building as a national treasure. 105 min. SAT, DEC 5, 8:00; SUN, DEC 13, 5:30 T1
Souvenir d’Italie (It Happened in Rome). 1957. Screenplay by Antonio Pietrangeli, Fabio Carpi, Nelo Risi, Dario Fo, Agenore Incrocci, Furio Scarpelli. With June Laverick, Isabelle Coreyu, Ingeborg Schöner, Massimo Girotti, Vittorio De Sica. Filmed in frankly touristic color and widescreen, this international co-production appropriates one of Daryl F. Zanuck’s favorite plot devices, interlacing the amorous adventures of three young women thrown together by fate (and quite a team of screenwriters). The three coins in this fountain are the British June Laverick, the German Ingeborg Schöner, and the French Isabelle Corey (the sex bomb of Jean-Pierre Melville’s Bob le Flambeur) as tourists experiencing a ravishingly idealized Italy. Their suitors, appropriate and inappropriate, include Massimo Girotti, Vittorio De Sica, Gabriele Ferzetti, and Alberto Sordi. 100 min. SUN, DEC 6, 2:30; FRI, DEC 11, 4:30 T1
Lo Scapolo (The Bachelor). 1955. Screenplay by Antonio Pietrangeli, Ruggero Maccari, Alessandro Continenza, Ettore Scola. With Alberto Sordi, Nino Manfredi, Rossana Podestà, Virna Lisi, Sandra Milo. Pietrangeli’s second feature is a classic example of commedia all’italiana, starring the genre’s defining figure, Alberto Sordi, as a self-absorbed small businessman who prides himself on his dubious abilities as a ladykiller. But when the specter of loneliness finally looms, his search for a wife quickly turns desperate. 90 min. SUN, DEC 6, 5:30; THU, DEC 10, 4:30 T1
Il Sole negli occhi (Empty Eyes). 1953. Screenplay by Antonio Pietrangeli, Ugo Pirro, Lucio Battistrada, Suso Cecchi D’Amico. With Irene Galter, Gabriele Ferzetti, Paolo Stoppa. After a decade as a screenwriter and critic, Pietrangeli made his directorial debut with this striking example of late Neorealism, which announces most of his major themes. Celestina (Irene Galter) is a naïve peasant girl who leaves her small village to look for work as a maid in Rome, where her innocence is rapidly exploited by thoughtless employers and predatory men. She places all her trust in a handsome plumber (Gabriele Ferzetti), who vanishes the minute she discovers she is pregnant. Pietrangeli gracefully dramatizes her transition from country bumpkin to disillusioned urbanite, as she joins Rome’s sisterhood of exploited domestic workers. 98 min. Fata Marta. 1966. Pietrangeli’s episode from the omnibus film Le Fate (The Queens). MON, DEC 7, 4:30; WED, DEC 9, 4:30 T1
5 Nata di marzo (March’s Child). 1957. Screenplay by Antonio Pietrangeli, Agenore Incrocci, Ruggero Maccari, Furio Scarpelli, Ettore Scola. With Jacqueline Sassard, Gabriele Ferzetti, Tina De Mola, Gina Rovere. A teenage girl (the French actress Jacqueline Sassard) falls passionately in love with an older architect (Pietrangeli regular Gabriele Ferzetti), but finds she isn’t prepared for the depth of emotion and unwavering commitment of a real marriage. 109 min. MON, DEC 7, 8:00; SAT, DEC 12, 2:00 T1 La Parmigiana (The Girl from Parma). 1963. Screenplay by Antonio Pietrangeli, Bruna Piatti, Ruggero Maccari, Ettore Scola, Stefano Strucchi. With Nino Manfredi, Catherine Spaak, Salvo Randone. Forced to leave her village because of a scandalous love affair with a seminarian, Dora (Catherine Spaak) looks for work and refuge in Parma, where she becomes involved with a petty criminal (Nino Manfredi). Another of Pietrangeli’s bitter comedies of deracination, reflecting the sudden urbanization of Italy during the industrial boom years of the late 1950s and early 1960s. 95 min. TUE, DEC 8, 4:30; MON, DEC 14, 4:30 T1
Il Magnifico cornuto (The Magnificent Cuckold). 1964. Screenplay by Diego Fabbri, Ruggero Maccari, Ettore Scola, Stefano Strucchi. With Claudia Cardinale, Ugo Tognazzi, Bernard Blier, Michèle Girardon, Gian Maria Volonte. A happily married businessman (Ugo Tognazzi) allows himself to be seduced by the wife of a colleague—a meaningless affair that makes him realize how easy it would be for his young and beautiful wife (Claudia Cardinale) to betray him as he betrayed her. His unfounded suspicions grow into madness, as he obsessively imagines her in the arms of other men. Adapted from a 1921 farce by the Belgian playwright Fernand Crommelynck. 117 min. TUE, DEC 8, 8:00; TUE, DEC 15, 4:30 T1
Italian Film, 21st-Century Style: A Tribute to Rai Cinema Il Racconto dei racconti (Tale of Tales). 2015. Directed by Matteo Garrone. With Salma Hayek, Vincent Cassel, Toby Jones. “Once upon a time there were three neighboring kingdoms each with a magnificent castle, from which ruled kings and queens, princes and princesses. One king was a fornicating libertine, another captivated by a strange animal, while one of the queens was obsessed by her wish for a child. Sorcerers and fairies, fearsome monsters, ogres and old washerwomen, acrobats and courtesans are the protagonists of this loose interpretation of the celebrated tales of Giambattista Basile” (Cannes Film Festival notes). 125 min. FRI, DEC 4, 7:00 T1
Il Mestiere delle armi (The Profession of Arms). 2001. Written and directed by Ermanno Olmi. With Christo Jivkov, Sergio Grammatico, Dimitar Ratchkov. The 28-yearold Joanni de’ Medici, knight in the noble art of war, is captain of the Papal army in the campaign against Charles V’s Lanschenets. He is already a living myth, fought over by princes for his great experience in the profession of arms. Smiled on by fortune and desired by women, his downfall will come with the introduction of firearms. A young man’s death is a curse against fate; often it reveals the stupidity of human behavior” (Cannes Film Festival notes). 105 min. SAT, DEC 5, 1:00 T2; THU, DEC 14, 8:00 T1 6
La Stanza Del Figlio (The Son’s Room). 2001. Directed by Nanni Moretti. With Moretti, Laura Morante, Jasmine Trinca. “A close family in a small northern Italy city. The father, Giovanni, the mother, Paola and their two teenage children: Irene the elder and Andrea, the younger. Giovanni is a psychoanalyst. In his consulting-room next to his flat, his patients confide their neurosis to him, which contrasts strongly with his own quiet existence. One Sunday morning, Giovanni is called by a patient for an emergency. He is not able to go jogging with his son, like he had told him. Andrea leaves to go scuba diving with friends and he never comes back from it...” (Cannes Film Festival notes). Winner of the Palme D’Or at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival. 99 min. SAT, DEC 5, 4:00; THU, DEC 17, 4:00 T2
Buongiorno, notte (Good Morning, Night). 2003. Directed by Marco Bellocchio. With Maya Sansa, Luigi Lo Cascio, Roberto Herlitzka. Politics, family, and the power of the subconscious again come together in Bellocchio’s disconcertingly lyrical imagining of the real-life kidnapping and execution of the Italian politician Aldo Moro. The mother-son dynamic at the center of many of Bellocchio’s films is here replaced by a metaphorical father-daughter relationship, largely imagined through dreams, between the reserved Moro (Herlitzka) and the girlish Red Brigade functionary (Sansa) who provides a middleclass front for his captors. Winner, Best Film, Little Golden Lion, and Outstanding Individual Contribution, Venice Film Festival 2003. 106 min. SAT, DEC 5, 8:00 T1; WED, DEC 16, 4:00 T2
Le Chiavi di casa (The Keys to the House). 2004. Directed by Gianni Amelio. With Kim Rossi Stuart, Andrea Rossi, Charlotte Rampling. 106 min. SUN, DEC 6, 1:00; FRI, DEC 18, 4:00 T2 Gomorra. 2008. Directed by Matteo Garrone. With Gianfelice Imparato, Salvatore Abruzzese, Toni Servillo. “Power, money and blood: these are the ‘values’ that the residents of the Province of Naples and Caserta, have to face every day. They hardly ever have a choice, and are almost always forced to obey the rules of the ‘system,’ the Camorra. Only a lucky few can even think of leading a ‘normal’ life. Five stories are woven together in this violent scenario, set in a cruel and apparently imaginary world, but one which is deeply rooted in reality” (Cannes Film Festival notes). Winner of the Grand Prix at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival. 137 min. SUN, DEC 6, 3:30; TUE, DEC 15, 7:00 T2
Terraferma. 2011. Directed by Emanuele Crialese. With Filippo Pucillo, Donatella Finocchiaro, Beppe Fiorello. Two women, an Island dweller and a foreigner: one dramatically influences the life of the other. But they both share the same desire for a different future, a better life for their children and the dream of the mainland. Terraferma is the desired destination of those travelling by sea, but it may also turn out to be an island with its deep-rooted traditions. The Pucillo family has to come to terms with immobility: Ernesto is 70 years old and he’d do anything to avoid having to scrap his fishing boat. His grandson Filippo is 20. His father was lost at sea and he finds himself caught up “in time“ between his grandfather Ernest and his uncle Nino, who gave up fishing in favour of “baiting“ tourists. His young, widowed mother, Giulietta, senses that this island’s frozen, immutable time has turned them all into strangers and that there is no future for her nor for her son Filippo. For there to be a future they must have the courage to leave. One day, the sea propels other travellers into their lives, among them Sara and her son. Ernesto gives them refuge: it is the ancient law of the sea. However, the new laws made by man does not allow this: the life of the Pucillo family is turned upside down and they are forced to change direction” (68th Venice International Film Festival notes). 88 min. TUE, DEC 8, 4:00 T2; SAT, DEC 12, 5:00 T1 7
Cesare deve morire (Caesar Must Die). 2012. Directed by Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani. With Cosimo Rega, Salvatore Striano, Giovanni Arcuri. 76 min. “The performance of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar comes to an end and the performers are rewarded with rapturous applause. The lights go out; the actors leave the stage and return to their cells. They are all inmates of the Roman maximum security prison Rebibbia. One of them comments: ‘Ever since I discovered art this cell has truly become a prison’. Filmmakers Paolo and Vittorio Taviani spent six months following rehearsals for this stage production; their film demonstrates how the universality of Shakespeare’s language helps the actors to understand their roles and immerse themselves in the bard’s interplay of friendship and betrayal, power, dishonesty and violence. This documentary does not dwell on the crimes these men have committed in their ‘real’ lives; rather, it draws parallels between this classical drama and the world of today, describes the commitment displayed by all those involved and shows how their personal hopes and fears also flow into the performance. After the premiere the cell doors slam shut behind Caesar, Brutus and the others. These men all feel proud and strangely touched, as if the play has somehow revealed to them the depths of their own personal history” (2012 Berlin International Film Festival notes). Winner of the Golden Bear at the 62nd Berlin International Film Festival. WED, DEC 9, 4:00 T2; SUN, DEC 13, 2:30 T1
Sacro GRA. 2013. Directed by Gianfranco Rosi. “After the India of Varanasi’s boatmen, the American desert of the dropouts, and the Mexico of the killers of drugtrade, Gianfranco Rosi has decided to tell the tale of a part of his own country, roaming and filming for over two years in a minivan on Rome’s giant ring road—the Grande Raccordo Anulare, or GRA—to discover the invisible worlds and possible futures harbored in this area of constant turmoil. Elusive characters and fleeting apparitions emerge from the background of the winding zone: a nobleman from the Piemonte region and his college student daughter sharing a oneroom efficiency in a modern apartment building along the GRA; a botanist making audio recordings of the interiors of palm trees to detect and then poison the insects that are devouring them like a plague; a modern day cigar-smoking prince doing gymnastics on the roof of his castle, surrounded by the sea of new apartment buildings proliferating around him; a paramedic in an ambulance eternally on duty treating car accident victims along the vast road; and an eel fisherman living on a houseboat beneath an overpass along the Tiber River. Far from the iconic sites of Rome, the GRA is a repository of stories of those at the edges of the ever expanding universe of the capital city” (70th Venice International Film Festival notes). Winner of the Golden Lion at the 2013 Venice Film Festival—the first documentary to win that honor. 95 min.

Posted by tammyduffy at 7:40 AM EST
Sunday, 1 November 2015
Morale Low In Hamilton Costing Taxpayers





 Morale Low In Hamilton Costing Taxpayers



By Tammy Duffy




In December 2013, Kelly Yaede was sworn in as Mayor of Hamilton by Senator Jennifer Beck.  On that day,  Mayor Yaede pledged to a crowd over 100 supporters that she was “aware of the responsibilities” of the office and ready to take them on.


“When facing any challenges or setbacks, my pledge to you is that I will not sugarcoat the realities that we face,” Yaede said. “I will not push off the problems of today and I will not shortchange the investments that we must make in order to provide the same quality of life and the same opportunities to proud Hamiltonians," she said. 


Did she live up to her pledge? No, things have been sugarcoated so much in Hamilton, the town is suffering from severe tooth decay. Decaying infrastructure, decaying schools and decaying school and municipal playgrounds, etc are evident in Hamilton.


As we approach November 3rd, it is important that the residents of Hamilton get out and vote.  I spent time this weekend going door to door reminding people to vote on Tuesday. I was happy to see that the doors I knocked on 90% of the people intended to vote.  One can only hope we see all neighborhoods demonstrating the same.


We got to speak to a first time voter in Hamilton who's major concern was," I want Hamilton to be a safe place for my 2 year old sister. A place where I can bring up my family. I am concerned with this."  This first time voter was only 18 years old. He was wise beyond his years. An 18 year old young man can see through the propaganda the media and town's leadership are feeding its residents.


What are we voting for? Why has this voting right given to us by some very brave Americans?


We have all gotten the political propaganda mailed to us, placed on our porch, doors and in some cases in my mailbox without a postmark (when we all know that is not allowed my dear republicans) What choice we make on Tuesday is a personal choice. It may be made due to a party alliance or what we believe in our hearts to be the right person for the job. The residents of Hamilton need to go and make their choice on November 3rd. 


During my volunteer efforts this weekend I got to speak to some current Hamilton township employees.  They shared with me that the morale is at an all time low in the Public Works Department and elsewhere in the township. The people who work within Public Works hate (this was their word, hate) going to work. The morale is at an all time low due to the current administration they said.


They also shared with me that at the senior center the employees there have not been given a raise in three years. Yet, the mayor and her directors have all gotten raises.  They went on to state that the mayor comes to every event at the senior center. The speech she gives is the same each time she visits.  The seniors at the center have memorized it and mouth the words as if to be at a Brittney Spears concert, lip synching the repetitive words of their town leader.  During these visits Mayor Yaede never acknowledges her own township staff according to the township employees. She never thanks them, she completely ignores their presence. The township employees find this demoralizing.


While more traditional managers tend to see low morale as intangible, its importance and impact on profits, productivity and financial competitiveness are measurable and affect organizational objectives.  The Gallup Organization estimated that there are 22 million actively disengaged employees costing the economy as much as $350 billion dollars per year in lost productivity including absenteeism, illness and other low morale issues.


Less engaged teams are less productive, less customer-focused and prone to withdrawing their efforts and adopting counterproductive behavior. This occurs when management is unclear about expectations, employees have not been effectively trained or do not feel a sense of ownership over their work. Low morale causes employees to lose interest in going the extra mile, especially when they do not feel valued by managers or care about the projects assigned. They do not trust their leaders.  They see directors who are not allowed to have paying jobs outside of their township roles, holding other jobs as well. The employees in Hamilton are demoralized and have lost trust and faith in the administration. They see directors carrying on via social media inappropriately, when clearly the township policies forbid it. There are no reprecussions to the directors who do this. It just sinks morale even lower. The directors should be setting an example. 


Low morale can in fact be controlled.  Leaders must possess the vision and understanding of their employees’ potential and their core work processes. They must ensure employees are being effectively utilized through job enrichment.  It includes understanding employees’ abilities and ensuring jobs provide a challenge to utilize their full capacity, recognizing achievement and giving employees an opportunity to grow and learn new things.


Leaders/managers also need to create a culture of trust as they can shape and influence, through role modeling, the way resources are allocated, how employees are rewarded, and the criteria used for recruitment, promotions, and terminations.  A climate of trust exists in organizations when managers do what they say they are going to do and are consistent in their actions.  Managers can earn trust and improve employee morale by being accessible, authentic and fostering openness.


Public service is not glamorous work, its not supposed to be. It is a job where you are in the trenches everyday, serving your community.


Many public servants, and Hamilton officials, have  turn this calling into a double-dipping greed festival. They have found a loophole in the law that in their mind justifies their double dipping ways.


There are hundreds of state employees and Hamilton township employees simultaneously collecting high salaries and retirement pay.  They are playing with the  N.J. pension system.


Senator Jennifer Beck is on a mission to change this.  She says,"Legal or not, it's an outrage, and a slap in the face to every taxpayer in the state. Retirement income should not be collected until you're not working anymore – that's the premise of a pension – and the fact that public employees exploit it is unconscionable. Worst of all, they brazenly brag about it."


Senator Jennifer Beck of N.J. did the swearing in of office for Mayor Yaede in 2013. The Senator has been actively pursuing a bill that would end N.J. state employees from double dipping.


How would Senator Beck feel if she knew that at the time she swore in Mayor Yaede into office,  that  Yaede was allowing her team to double dip. The townships own business administrator, John Ricci is collecting his $117,000 a year salary on top of a $65,000 a year pension from the township. This has been going on for years.


As residents of Hamilton how does that make you feel? Would we not all love to get a salary and our pensions simultaneously? How may other township employees are doing this?  Why is Mayor Yaede condoning this behavior? If Senator Beck's bill passes, how fast will Mr. Ricci be out of his double dipping ways?  This gross abuse or power demonstrated by the Hamilton leadership has to change. This is only one aspect of what is driving the low morale in the township. 


These double dippers have no shame. They want to challenge the courts on their double dipping ways. As for those pensioners who think about challenging it in court, they'll have two choices: They can cease their double-dipping voluntarily, or they can prepare for it to be a campaign issue.


The state employees are entitled to their retirement, just as any employee at any company who pays into it. The New Jersey pension deficit continues to grow more and more each year.  Is it fair that the state employees who are not double dipping have to make sacrifices due to the utter greed of others? Why are elected officials allowing this to go on?


There have been numerous studies and articles written on how productivity affects a companies bottom line.  The Township of Hamilton has a real moral problem. The old saying, "a happy wife makes for a happy life", holds true in business and towns. If your employees are not happy, they see people literally breaking the law and getting away with it, they see this double dipping, it drives the wrong behaviors. These wrong behaviors cost the residents of Hamilton. It shows up by way of their ever increasing tax payments, closed playground with costly remediation and many other costly issues.  These same employees also are not responsive to residents in their times of need or when they have questions. Why should they respond, no one will follow up and make them follow up and there are no repercussions for not doing so.  


Being elected to a public office is a privilege.  If you abuse this privilege, break the law, decide that dating a married coworker (which is against the NJ statues) who is a township employee; is a good idea, then come election time, voters have a choice. A choice to be accepting of these bad behaviors or not.  They have a choice to be accepting of illegal acts by the destruction of public records with no certification of the destruction of the public records as well.


One can only question how Hamilton townships director of IT and the Municipal clerk have allowed this to go on. (the destruction of public records) Every township employee has the responsibility to ensure that all government records are properly archived and or destroyed appropriately. The interim attorney general is aware of these record destruction issues without certification. What happens next is up to him.  The residents of Hamilton can only hope for justice in this matter.


The residents of Hamilton have a choice to be accepting of how the existing leadership has created a demoralizing workplace (according to the employees) for employees.  If you are accepting of all of this, you know what to do on Nov 3rd.  If you are not, you also know what to do as well on November 3rd.


When a town's leadership is accepting of these types of behaviors it drives the town into the wrong direction. The current administration has touted we have the lowest crime since 1977. This statement is true for the petty crimes occurring in Hamilton. However, if you look at the NJ State police reports for aggravated assault, murder, rape and burglary, the numbers tell a much different story. Do these vicious crimes not matter as it pertains to the residents? Obviously not.  Yet, Mayor Yaede had one person stalk her and she has a 24/7 security detail.  What about the residents? Do the residents not matter? Many of the runners in the township will not run in Veteran's Park anymore due to the incidents that have occurred. I personally have been harassed, grabbed and bothered by suspicious people in the park. I have chosen to stay out of the park for this reason.


It appears from the administrations communications on crime that they want to minimize what is really happening in Hamilton.  This drives the wrong behavior for criminals as well. Are we seeing this increase in vicious crime because criminals know they can get away with things in Hamilton? You decide.


In a recent Hamilton Post story, an interview of the candidates, Mayor Yaede said, "I stand behind calling Hamilton the Big H." How can anyone, especially in Hamilton who has the highest deployments of Narcan in the county, make this statement. The big H is the street name for heroin as we all know. The mayor has been educated on this fact many months ago, when she was completely oblivious to this fact, and she continues to want to name the town "The Big H".  It is incomprehensible that the Mayor of Hamilton continues to make this statement.  It is a smack in the face to every person and family battling heroin addictions or who have lost a loved one to this epidemic. There was yet another heroin death to a Hamiltonian this past week.


Public officials must lead, rally their teams every day, be honest, be responsive to residents, and not abuse their power. When they forget and ignore these attributes, it's time for change.


Vote on November 3rd, make your decision based on facts, do your research and choose wisely.  

Posted by tammyduffy at 7:23 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 2 November 2015 3:42 AM EST
Friday, 30 October 2015
Hamilton Bewitched By Secrecy




Hamilton Bewitched By Secrecy



By Tammy Duffy 





Freedom of speech is one of the most valued and cherished principles in a free society, and it is in a constant battle with oppressive governments seeking to maintain the status-quo. When it comes to free speech in the world, Iran is rated the 175th freest country in regards to freedom of speech and freedom of the press out of 179 rated countries according to Reporters without Borders. Reporters without Borders said that, "Hounding and humiliating journalists has been part of [Iran’s] officialdom’s political culture for years. The regime feeds on persecution of the media. Iran has a long history of violence and current history does not show signs of reversing. From barring students from education because of their political beliefs to opening fire on protesters and shutting down news publications, the Iranian government is working hard to chill free speech and silence the press."


When it comes to freedom of speech and freedom of the press, the United States wins hands down compared to Iran. Even though Reporters without Borders ranks the U.S. 47th on the “freedom index,” it obviously beats Iran’s 175th rating. In the U.S., citizens enjoy an incredible amount of freedom when it comes to what they can say and print. The Framers of the of the United States Constitution wrote the First Amendment to guarantee that Americans would be protected in their right to speak their mind, protest, and publish news even when it is controversial or goes against the government’s interest. Throughout history the government, local, state and federal, have challenged the people’s right to exercise free speech or free press, but since the 1900’s the Supreme Court has mostly sided with the citizens.


The difference of freedom of speech and freedom of the press that Iranians and Americans enjoy are vast. In the United States, citizens can write just about anything they want and publish it for the whole world to see. In Iran, such acts would you get thrown in jail or even sentenced to death. In the U.S., citizens are free to protest their government and also assemble for very controversial issues. In Iran, this behavior has been met with violence and other punishment by the government. Iranian newspapers and online publications have been shut down for publishing information that the government finds unacceptable and students have been barred from getting an education for their political beliefs. Organizations such as Reporters Without Borders have rated Iran as one of the least free countries when it comes to freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and Iran’s situation has not improved much in recent years.


When the government prohibits the publication of material it does not want released this is known as prior restraint." Restraining a publication prior to its release is unconstitutional. This has happened on more than one occasion in Hamilton Township, NJ.



Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of expression,  reception and dissemination of information,  publication and access to the press without prejudice to public order,  safety or morals as prescribed by law. All levels of government shall guarantee the freedom of the press and other media as shall be regulated by law in a democratic society.


The media has built up our economy and is one of the biggest technological advances made in human history. What concerns me most coming from an artistic point of view, is that; these incompetent actions by our government will effect how we promote ourselves and how we share information.


The media and press has become the chief vehicle of promotion and business for artists, local journalists and writers. The beginnings of Social Networking. We generated sharing and this is how many of us become discovered. If there was no freedom of press and media in place, chances would be low that many upcoming writers would have ever become relevant household names all over the world.


There are many more examples to this, but the bigger picture is that press and media censorship is constitutionally, morally, ethically, and politically wrong, it sabotages and destroy the beautiful thing the media and press have for us.


Protecting free speech means protecting a free press, the democratic process, diversity of thought, and so much more. The ACLU has worked since 1920 to ensure that freedom of speech is protected for everyone.  For almost 100 years, the ACLU has worked to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States.


Freedom of speech, the press, association, assembly, and petition: This set of guarantees, protected by the First Amendment, comprises what we refer to as freedom of expression. It is the foundation of a vibrant democracy, and without it, other fundamental rights, like the right to vote, would wither away.


The fight for freedom of speech has been a bedrock of the ACLU’s mission since the organization was founded in 1920, driven by the need to protect the constitutional rights of conscientious objectors and anti-war protesters. The organization’s work quickly spread to combating censorship, securing the right to assembly, and promoting free speech in schools.


The press is to serve the governed, not the governors. The freedom of the press, protected by the First Amendment, is critical to a democracy in which the government is accountable to the people. A free media functions as a watchdog that can investigate and report on government wrongdoing. It is also a vibrant marketplace of ideas, a vehicle for ordinary citizens to express themselves and gain exposure to a wide range of information and opinions.


In September 2014, the Editor of the Trentonian asked me to cover the story on the 8 new sergeants that were being promoted in the township. This was the first time in the history of the township that there were African Americans being promoted to Sergeant. This was the first story I was ever paid to do for the newspaper. I had written numerous articles (two of which made the front page) for free to promote the arts and positive community events in Hamilton. I never took a dime from the newspaper for all the stories I wrote or the photos I took. But, the editor wanted to pay me for this story.


This was not a story I would normally cover. Penny Ray, the staff journalist would have. However, the mayors office and Hamilton police were blocking Penny from attending. This was not the first time the Mayor's office blocked a story, called and whined about a story to the point of threatening the newspaper or writers.


This was an email sent to me by John Berry, Editor of the Trentonian:


"So it looks like Penny is getting shut out by the PD. The Mayor produced about 2 grafs of uninformative quote.

Would you be able to still cover that in the morning? 

Sorry to be back and forth on this, but Hamilton PD is apparently stonewalling us on
this today saying that they only want to talk about it tomorrow so as not to "diminish" the accomplishments of the 6 white officers getting promoted.

John Berry
The Trentonian
@withhisown38 on Twitter"


When I arrived I was treated with such disrespect by the Mayor's press team. They were refusing to give me access to the sergeants. They even blocked me from going into a room with the families as the mayor spoke to the families. They were laughing in my face. This is what their leader was telling them to do, no doubt. Why did the Mayor feel she had the right to block Penny from covering the event?  Because he wrote the truth about her delusions on the crime rates in Hamilton she blocked him. 


In the end, I got the story. We told the story the way it should have been told. The mayor was indignent about how she wanted the story. It's not her place to tell the press how to tell a story, it's the presses.


The police department nor the mayors office has the constitution right to restrain press.  This is called prior restraint (also referred to as prior censorship or pre-publication censorship).  An alternative to prior restraint is to allow the expression to take place and to take appropriate action afterward, if the expression is found to violate the law, regulations, or other rules.


Prior restraint prevents censored material from being heard or distributed at all; other measures provide sanctions only after the offending material has been communicated, such as suits for slander or libel.  In some countries (e.g., United States and Argentina) prior restraint by the government is forbidden by the constitution.


Freedom of the press means that television, newspapers, magazines and other media sources can publish truthful reports—even if they are controversial—without interference from the government. Mayor Yaede does not have the right to censor the press. It is unconstitutional to do so. She needs to read the constitution and understand the laws of this nation. Journalists have lost their lives globally getting a story. She has no respect for the press and what they do for the global nation or a community.



Founding father Thomas Jefferson once said, “Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press.” In the U.S., freedom of the press is provided by the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, a part of the Constitution. It states, "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..."


Freedom of the press was included in the Bill of Rights because the founding fathers understood that if governments could block opinions or stories they disliked, then the public would be less informed. The press serves as a government watchdog and has used its First Amendment rights to hold public officials accountable. This has caused many to call the media the “Fourth Estate” or “fourth branch of government,” fitting into the system of checks and balances among our Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches.

To maintain this freedom, we must prioritize protecting our courageous reporters and their newsgathering processes – both abroad and at home.


As a nation, we are collectively focused on responding to these terrorist threats and protecting those abroad, as we should be. But, we must not forget to protect our reporters on the home front as well.


The free flow of information by journalists gives the public the opportunity and responsibility to understand their communities their country and the world. And with that, the power to shape them.  It’s time for Americans to prioritize our courageous journalists and our right to know. We must protect journalists and honor those journalists who are killed, missing, threatened or held in captivity. It is critical for our democracy.  When elected official spends their time silencing the press, threatening them, and controlling editors so that the truth does not come out, it times to elect new elected officials. These are the same elected officials who deliberately destroyed government documents (digital files and emails). They did this without doing the required by law certifications for the destruction of government documents. This is against the law. This is a bad habit, breaking the law, by this current administration lead by Mayor Yaede.


VOTE on NOV 3rd  for a candidate that has integrity. A candidate who understands the constitution and appreciates the respects the freedom the press. The freedoms that our founding fathers and prior Americans fought so hard to give to us. Any elected official who feels they are above the law and feels they have license to ostracize the press in this matter, does not belong in office.


Vote for Amy Inman for Mayor &, Joanne Bruno and

Don Ryland for Council.





Posted by tammyduffy at 9:43 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 30 October 2015 9:54 PM EDT
Wednesday, 28 October 2015



 The Legendary Leader “Hiawatha” Shares His Story at MCCC’s Kelsey Theatre Nov. 14


 Hiawatha1 and Hiawatha2

The inspiring story of “Hiawatha” comes to Mercer County Community College’s (MCCC’s) Kelsey Theatre in November.  Presented as part of the Kelsey Kids Series, this tale of the legendary Native American leader is presented by the award-winning Theatre IV on Saturday, Nov. 14 at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Kelsey Theatre is located on the college’s West Windsor campus at 1200 Old Trenton Road.
With book and lyrics by Stuart Hawk and music by Andrea Beasalt, Theatre IV’s “Hiawatha” brings Native American history and culture thrillingly to life in this fact-based musical adventure. The show tells the classic story of young Hiawatha, who, approximately 150 years before the first permanent English colony at Jamestown, made history when he peacefully united the Five Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy. His name was immortalized in Longfellow’s 1855 epic poem, and his exciting childhood and heroic work are celebrated in countless children’s books. Renowned for his peacemaking accomplishments, Hiawatha’s story remains inspiring and relevant today. 
Theatre IV is a nonprofit professional theater company for young audiences, which has toured since 1975 from Wisconsin to Florida and Texas to Maine, while also presenting major productions in its home city of Richmond, Va.  The company performs live for more than half a million children, teens, parents and teachers across America every year.
Tickets for “Hiawatha" are $10 for children, students and seniors, and $12 for adults.  Tickets may be purchased online at www.kelseytheatre.net or by calling the Kelsey Box Office at 609-570-3333.  Kelsey Theatre is wheelchair accessible, with free parking available next to the theater.

Posted by tammyduffy at 8:43 PM EDT
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Is The Township Exempt From The Law?



http://www.hamiltonnj.com/filestorage/228428/228430/228673/229195/229197/2015_Councilman_Meara's_Budget_Notes-3-17-15.pdf  From the Township of Hamilton website: Budgets 2015





Is The Township Exempt From The Law?




As the elected officials and their directors received raises these past years, the summer help was paid below minimum wage. (see files from the twp website) In 2014, the N.J. State minimum wage was raised to $8.25. (http://www.dol.gov/whd/state/stateMinWageHis.htm) As you can see, these township employees were paid much less than that. 


 The 1996 Amendments to the FLSA allow employers to pay a youth minimum wage of not less than $4.25 an hour to employees who are under 20 years of age during the first 90 consecutive calendar days after initial employment. The law contains certain protections for employees that prohibit employers from displacing any employee in order to hire someone at the youth minimum wage. This fact sheet provides general answers to questions that may arise about the youth wage provisions. Are all these people listed below the age of 20? We hope so. These lists do not demonstrate that these are "youth jobs". They are listed as summer employees, not farm jobs.


The youth minimum wage is authorized by Section 6(g) of the FLSA, as amended by the 1996 FLSA Amendments. The law allows employers to pay employees under 20 years of age a lower wage for a limited period -- 90 calendar days, not work days -- after they are first employed. Any wage rate above $4.25 an hour may be paid to eligible workers during this 90-day period.


In prosecution of wage and hour violations, the stakes are getting personal. In several recent cases, the government has penalized company owners and officers for failing to pay overtime – imposing stiff fines and even imprisonment.





Unless an exception applies, your employer must pay you at least the federal or state minimum wage, whichever is higher. If you qualify for minimum wage and your employer pays you less than the mandated amount, you can file a wage claim or lawsuit against your employer.


If the federal labor department agrees with your claim, it can order your employer to pay you back wages plus liquidated damages. If your employer intentionally broke the law, it can face criminal prosecution plus a fine of up to $10,000 for the first violation. State penalties vary; however, they generally include paying back wages plus liquidated damages and applicable court costs and attorney fees.


In one case, the president of a Minnesota sheetrock company was sentenced to two years in jail and a potential fine of $3.3 million for intentionally underpaying employee overtime and union pension and benefit contributions.


In another recent case, the owners and officers of an Illinois security company were fined over $200,000, constituting back wages and liquidated damages, for violating overtime and record keeping provisions. 


Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), "any employer" who violates minimum wage or unpaid overtime compensation laws may be liable for both the shortfall and liquidated damages, which means double the damages. The FLSA definition of "employer" can be very broad. Along with supervisors and high-ranking executives, it can also include officers and directors.


To avoid both FLSA violations and personal liability, employers need to be sure they comply with all the relevant minimum wage, overtime, and other salary- and benefit-related regulations and agreements. Otherwise, they may find themselves paying a steep price.  



An employer may not misclassify its workers as independent contractors in order to avoid paying them required wages under the FLSA," said Thomas Gauza, district director of the US Labor Department Wage and Hour Division in Chicago. "The Department of Labor is committed to ensuring that all workers receive their rightfully earned wages, and the resolution of this lawsuit demonstrates that we will use all available enforcement tools to protect workers against exploitation and ensure compliance with the law."


The Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor conducts investigations of alleged FLSA violations. When, pursuant to such an investigation, the Department of Labor decides a company or entity is not in compliance with FLSA, there are several ways employee back wages can be recovered: 


The Wage and Hour Division may supervise payment of back wages. The Secretary of Labor may bring suit for back wages and an equal amount as liquidated damages. 

An employee may file a private suit for back pay and an equal amount as liquidated damages, plus attorney's fees and court costs.

The Secretary of Labor may obtain an injunction to restrain any person from violating FLSA, including the unlawful withholding of proper minimum wage and overtime pay. 

When it comes to recovery of back pay, there is a two-year statute of limitations, except in the case of a willful violation, where the statute of limitations is three years. When employers are found to willfully violate FLSA, they can also face criminal prosecution and fines up to $10,000. Upon a second conviction, employers could face imprisonment. 



In order to stay out of trouble, employers should do the following to ensure they are paying workers properly:


Classify employees properly – Determining who is eligible for overtime isn't always straightforward. In the International Detective & Protective Services case, Judge Kendall pointed to several factors that employers need to consider when deciding if workers are employees or independent contractors, including: control over the manner and method employees work, opportunities for profit or loss, investment in equipment, special skills of workers, permanency of the relationships, and whether services provided by workers were an integral part of the business.


Know state laws – Along with federal laws, some states also have broad definitions of who qualifies as an employer under state wage and hour laws. This could increase liability at the state level. For example, under New Jersey's Wage and Hour Law, an "employer includes any individual, partnership, association, corporation, or any person or group of persons acting directly or indirectly in the interest of an employer in relation to an employee." Employers should consult with legal counsel to understand who may be liable for overtime infractions, so they can plan accordingly.


Review payroll practices and job classifications – It is advisable for employers to periodically review how employees track their hours. Laws change, job classifications get reworked, and new technology can make the process easier and less prone to errors.


Conduct audits – In addition to implementing solid overtime and time-keeping policies, companies should also routinely conduct audits. A spot check of one site or department may reveal that employees are not tracking hours properly or that supervisors are not following established procedures.


Be particularly careful with union employees – At union shops, the number of hours that employees work is not just reflected in their paychecks, it can also count for contributions to pension and benefits funds. As in the case of Franklin Drywall, employers can get into even more trouble when they shortchange those funds. If you have union employees, pay extra attention to how those employees' hours are tracked.


Executives and officers put a great deal of themselves into their businesses. They should be sure to spend some of their time making sure overtime and payroll are correctly managed; otherwise, they could end up paying fines and spending time in jail. 




Posted by tammyduffy at 7:57 AM EDT
Saturday, 24 October 2015
Jazz & Beyond Concert Series: An Evening with Woody Mann & Special Guests


 The Arts Council of Princeton (ACP) announces the next performer in the Jazz & Beyond Concert Series: An Evening with Woody Mann & Special Guests on Friday, November 13, 2015 at 8pm. Pioneering guitar legend Woody Mann takes a fresh approach to his blues re-creations and his own compositions defy category. Woody has pursued a rich and diverse career, performing everywhere from the orchestra pits of Broadway to festivals, clubs and concert stages worldwide. While the blues are his touchstone, he draws inspiration from every direction, blending a myriad of influences with ease and grace.

The concert will be held at ACP’s Solley Theater at the Paul Robeson Center for the Arts, 102 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ. Tickets are $12/General Admission and $10/ ACP members, students, and seniors. Tickets are available for purchase at the door 30 minutes before show time. Parking is available in the Spring and Hulfish Street Garages and at metered spots along Witherspoon Street and Paul Robeson Place. For more information, visit www.artscouncilofprinceton.org or call (609) 924-8777.

The Arts Council of Princeton, founded in 1967, is a non-profit organization with a mission of Building Community through the Arts. Housed in the landmark Paul Robeson Center for the Arts, the ACP fulfills its mission by presenting a wide range of programs including exhibitions, performances, free community cultural events, and studio-based classes and workshops in a wide range of media. Arts Council of Princeton programs are designed to be high-quality, engaging, affordable and accessible for the diverse population of the greater Princeton region.

Posted by tammyduffy at 2:29 PM EDT


 HAM Workshop Features
Award-Winning Book Illustrators
Enjoy an afternoon with an award-winning book artist and participate in a family-fun art project at the Hunterdon Art Museum’s next Meet the Illustrator event.
The series continues with Lena Shiffman sharing A Second Chance for Tina on Sunday, Nov. 8 at 2 p.m. A fun art project, inspired by the book, immediately follows.
The Museum’s final Meet the Illustrator workshop for 2015 will feature Santiago Cohen reading Home for Navidad and Yiddish Fish on Dec. 13 at 2 p.m.
Also, these workshops will coincide with exhibitions of each illustrator’s work in the Museum’s ArtZone.
All ages are welcome. The program is $5 per child to cover the cost of materials. Registration is required either by visiting www.hunterdonartmuseum.org  or by calling 908-735-8415. 
Many of the books that will be read at the workshops are available for purchase at the Clinton Book Shop, 12 East Main St. The book shop is donating a portion of the purchase price of the books to the Museum. 
The Museum is at 7 Lower Center St. in Clinton, New Jersey, 08809. Their website is www.hunterdonartmuseum.org and our telephone number is 908-735-8415. Hours are Tuesday through Sunday, 11 am – 5 pm and suggested admission is $5.

Posted by tammyduffy at 2:25 PM EDT

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